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Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Finally got here

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    I’m sorry that you and your husband are having to go through this.I will never forget when I was told my diagnosis of cc and all of the physical and emotional adjustments that I, my family and friends had to make. I am 26 months since my diagnosis with cc with no evidence of recurrent disease. I try to take it one day at a time or one MRI at a time. keeping my fingers crossed. Toward the end of chemo and for a number of months after I was really fatigued. I just had to pace myself as one step at a time. I had more and more energy and am now back to normal I have not had the same symptoms but hopefully they will resolve. I’m so glad that you were able to access this group.
    How blessed your husband is to have such a caring spouse. My husband was unbelievable during that time and I only wish that I could have lifted his burden. Make sure to take care of yourself.


    Hi Srengle-
    Just a quick pop in-If burbs are causing annoyance try proton pump inhibitor- I am in UK Omeprazole not sure if it is the same name in US. If nausea/ appetite or energy a problem ask for steroids- dexamethasone. These drugs were our life line.


    srengle….I am glad to hear that you don’t feel alone anymore.
    Some things to try:
    As mentioned, moving around right after eating.
    Small meals (high in protein)
    Walking throughout the day. The more activity, the more likely things will move through his intestines.
    Things to discuss with your husband’s physician. Good luck and please, keep us posted.
    Hugs and love,


    Wow! Thanks everyone! What quick responses! I truly appreciate that. Marion, the burps are not hiccups. He had those early on with the chemo. These are definitely dry heaves, but he burps up air with them. It is really weird unless you witness it. We will definitely discuss it with the Onc tomorrow. They keep changing his nausea meds, but that doesn’t help b/c he really isn’t nauseated. It happens at different times of day from immediately upon waking to after a meal. Often as he is walking to the car after being at work for a few hours. Good thing I drive!
    Thanks for the advice! I love this site, but hate to be here! Stil, I read so many positive posts! Now I don’t feel that we are quite so doomed or alone!


    strengle…I would also like to welcome you to our club (the one no one wants to belong to and yet is happy to have found.) The belching you are describing – does it appear to be a hiccup? Gemzar is known to cause this. In addition to Lainy’s suggestion, you might also want to try a spoonful of sugar at onset of hiccups.
    If however; this appears to be a dry heaving then you might want to take note as to when this is happening – after a meal? What type of food? Moving around post meal ingestion will aid with digestion as do enzymes. Definitely, discuss this with the physician. Please, stay in touch and continue to share with us.
    Hugs and love,


    Hi Srengle,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I’m sorry also to hear about your husband. But I’m glad that you’ve joined in with us all as you’ve come to the best place for support and help, and you will get tons of both here.

    Thats great to hear you say that your husband is doing well right now and long may that continue. Hopefully his energy will continue to return and I hope also for his next round of chemo to go well. I can’t help personally with regards to chemo either as my dad never had that. But a ton of our members have and I know they will chime in on this to you.

    As to the belching, my dad had that as well. And the hiccups, he had them too and these are quite common. Please let us know how your husband gets on tomorrow with his tests and I hope for positive results to them. And please, feel free to ask any questions that you have and we will do wt we can to help in answering them for you. We are here for you.

    Best wishes,



    Dear Srengle, welcome to our EXTROADINARY FAMILY! I cannot address the Chemo as Teddy never had it after his Whipple surgery. BUT, he did have mammoth hiccups that took 5 months to get rid of as nothing worked and your husbands burps sound much like the hiccups Teddy had. Finally we discovered Brioche (sp) which is like a powdered Alka Seltzer and I believe it is made in Italy but can be found at CVS and Walgreens in a blue plastic bottle. It worked after the first try and he kept using it for indigestion as well. Worth a try and others have tried it on this Board with success. CC can disrupt the digestive system. I was wondering if you asked his ONC about it? I want to wish you good luck on the next tests and I am so glad that you found us but wish you didn’t have too. Please keep us posted as we truly care.


    Hello everyone. My husband was diagnosed with cancer of unknown origin just after Christmas. Come to find out a few weeks later that it is CC. What a blow this has all been, as you well know. He had a tumor on his liver, some small nodules in the lungs, and a spot on a rib that they were concerned about. He started chemo two days after the final diagnosis with Cisplatin and Gemzar. Our second opinion at Emory in Atlanta confirmed that our oncologist, Dr. Al-Hajj, is right on track. Right now, hubby feels pretty good! He is off his morphine and is eating well. Has lost 40 pounds, but was overweight before all this started. Although thin, he still has a belly. It that typical? Has no energy, but seems to be gaining a little back at a time and did some light yard work yesterday. He even goes in to work half-days when possible. He begins his third round of chemo tomorrow and will then undergo some tests to find out how he is progressing (had a bad reaction to CT contrast in the hospital!). We are in hopes of some good results considering his most recent bloodwork and the other improvements. Oh, he gets these weird belchy-dry heaves. It’s like he is heaving up gas from WAY down in his body. This can go on for about 5 minutes. Occasionally, he will have a small amount of vomit, but it is mostly air. He is not really nauseated before hand. Odd. Is this common? Guess that’s it for now. Great to finally get here. There was a mess with my registration.

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