Finally some hopeful news!

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Finally some hopeful news!

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    You are beautiful, I don’t see any wrinkles!!!



    I echo what’s already been said. Great news. I am very happy for you. Please relax a bit and enjoy this special time. As you well know, you need to cherish the times that great news comes your way.

    Take care,


    Hi my lovely,

    Good to hear all is well. I hope you start regaining your old self once again.



    Hi Lisa, this time on Prednisone I have only gained 8 LBS last time I gained 30. Now the big problem at my age is on the Pred my face gets fuller and there are no wrinkles and while I was off and went down to my normal 128LBS, all the wrinkles showed. BUT can’t have everything, so I guess I will accept the wrinkles when they return. I earned them.


    Love to read good news…..normal is wonderful! Hope you can be done wth steroids soon, they made me fluffy, anxious and hungry.


    I will do Momma!! Got some cleaning to do here but can’t get motivated for it! Taking mum to the dentist today to see about dentures for her, she is less than keen on this as you could imagine! Major GRRRRRR to dentists!!!


    TO My Son from another Mum, I meant to answer you yesterday as you really cracked me up on the cleaning bit. You know me tooooo well! Give Mum a hug for me.


    Morning Lainy.

    Great news about your health update and hope that the new program works well! So hoping that you get your normal life back, you so deserve that after all of this time! Hoping too that you can get off of the grrrrrr preds!!! Light at the end of the

    indeed!! :)


    Thanks girls, I know it will take some time, didn’t get that bad overnight but at least I see the light at the end of the

    fill in your own word! LOL


    Wonderful news Lainy. Hopefully things will go get and no more “surprises” to come. That is so good to hear.



    Lainy, Glad to hear all this good news. Hope it all works out for you and your are back to “normal” soon. Hugs, Darla


    First…Lainy….wonderful news that maybe they have this figured out for you. Now….to “git ‘er done.” ….and get on with life again.

    Second….I apparently clicked on “report this post”….fingers moved over the box I think…..and then panicked and closed the box that came up for a written reason for clicking the box. ARGH!!! Anyway…I have no idea how to take it back… just know that I screwed up.



    That’s good, Lainey. Best wishes with your new regimen… you deserve a “normal” life! I bet you can’t wait to get off the Pred.


    Went to my GI today to check in about the Ulcerative Colitis. The good news is that after 3 years of this krap we found out through tests that each Med I tried worked to a point and stopped because I was not absorbing it in my system. After special Lab work we also find out that I have NOTHING in my system to prevent the help it just was not enough. So getting an infusion 4 weeks after the last and increasing it to 6 vials instead of 4 and then will go back to every 8 weeks. I also need the Imuran and down to 5mg of Prednisone as they seem to give the Remicade an extra push. As of now he will wean me down soon to be off the Pred but I may be on Imuran for years. I don’t care if it gives me a normal life again! First real hope there is an end to this and I don’t care much whose end we are talking about!
    Funny story. I told him that on OUR Cholangio web site we have one of our biggest go to ONCs at MDA Houston and he is now on our Medical Supervisory Board and he is my GI’s twin, swear to God. His Name is Dr. Javle and I told Dr. Mahajani to look him up. I was checking out and all of a sudden I heard a laugh from him that cracked me up and he yelled out, I’m gonna have to talk to my mother. How uncanny how he looks just like me!!! If you are curious you can look up Rohit Mahajani and Javle and see for yourself. He was just blown away!

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