first day back at work

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    Hi Moonpie,

    Think I’ll still call you that if that’s okay with you! Yes your mums app to Aintree should come through very quickly as there is no reason why there should be a delay of any kind. But keep in top of it if you think it is not going as quickly as you would like. She was referred start of last week was she not?

    There is nothing wrong at all with admitting that you need a but of support and help, and we all need that emotional release too. We are all just human after all. And I know that not only you will have felt better last night after talking with your parents, they will have felt better as well for talking to you. Yes it is a crappy situation for everyone, no denying that at all. But you are as you say surrounded by good people and please take all the help and support that comes from them.

    And just to let you know, Helen from AMMF is meeting with 2 people from Aintree this week to establish links between Aintree and AMMF. I’ll let you know what happens when she posts more about that.




    moonpie…I love your screen name equally as well as your real name. Please allow yourself a break from it all. You are doing a fantastic job. I just know how proud your Mom must be of you.


    Hi Alexandra,

    Take and accept all the support and help you can. Just knowing I had the help and support of others, even if I didn’t use it, carried me through some of those most difficult times.

    I live 300 miles away from my family and found that incredibly hard during my sisters illness especially having to manage the medical side of things. It just makes a very crappy situation even more challenging on so many levels.

    Your parents must be incredibly proud of you.


    hello thanks lainy and gavin for your kind reassuring messages-as always

    yes, i had a look at the website for Aintree hospital and it does indeed look like they know what they are doing so very very pleased she is going there, praying the appointment comes through soon.

    I just spoke to mum and dad, it made me feel so much better to have a little chat with them, hear that mum is doing ok, just chatting about usual bits and bobs, i don’t want to get too upset in front of them as they need to have support at the moment, it s hard as normally when I am upset, I turn to them for guidance and support and now I am trying my hardest to be strong and supportive for them, I guess I just have to realise that its ok to admit that I too need to have an emotional release and acknowledge that it is a crappy situation. But i am surrounded by good people and need to accept some help and support from them.

    lainy-my real name is Alexandra, don’t know why i went for moonpie- guess its memorable and if not a bit daft!!


    Hi Moonpie,

    Thanks for that. Just a quickie really to let you know that if your mum is being referred to Aintree then she will be in very good hands indeed there. They have much experience in dealing with patients with CC and I know that the hepatobiliary team up there are involved in and do much research as well.

    Stay strong Moonpie. You are doing everything that you possibly can and you are doing it very well indeed! And I too am an only child so I know where you are coming from on that one.




    Dear Moonpie, you are a very special Hero. One of the hardest things in the world is to be a Caretaker. You are doing just fine on a journey none of us would ever ask for. Glad to hear you feel secure now about who is treating mom. Naturally it is harder to take care of a loved one than someone who is a stranger. I told my daughter that somehow I feel like the ‘grim reaper’ on here as I seem to be able to walk someone to the end. She said ‘Mom, it is a gift”. So I convey that to you too. Some gift, huh? You are doing great and let it all out here whenever you need too. Hey! What is your given name, I am sure it’s not Moonpie!



    its been quite a hard day being back at work being away from my parents, whilst Ive been with them 3 weeks- 2 weeks then 1 week back at work and then another week home with them, it feels like ive been back at home for ages and whilst its been stressful, it has been so lovely to be with them, we did have some good laughs all together.

    my mum texted me this morning saying she has had very loose stools-3times in the morning along with very pale coloured stools all weekend , so her stools have been going on like this for nearly a week.

    mum was called in to the GP and they did a blood test and said that the results from the GP should come back tomorrow to assess the level of bilirubin. So I am relieved that this wil be monitored closely now.

    Mums request for further tests has been made, I got the hospitals mixed up, she is being referred to Aintree hospital- apparently it is the northwestern hepatobiliary centre, and is a world renowned centre, mum should be in fantastic hands.

    I have just found it hard being an only child, being very close to my parents all my life and finding the long distance hard and finding it hard to get back into the swing of work again, particularly because I am a hospital social worker- a lot of my cases are dealing with palliative patients and whilst I don’t break down crying and can detach myself in a way to do the job and do it well, its still hard going -more so now when I think of my own mum.

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