First day of chemo

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    Hi Minnie,

    Glad to hear that you and Karl made it down to California and also that he has a new onc. I will keep my fingers crossed for Karl’s chemo to do the job and I am glad to hear that he is doing fine.

    My best wishes to you both,



    Dear Minnie – Welcome to California. We are happy you are here even if it is for treatment. My husband had 3 cycles of Gemzar treatment (6 chemo infusions) and had no adverse effects at all. Hope the same for you. Have a great time while you are here. I don’t think the chemo will be a reason not to enjoy your stay. Blessings, Susan


    Minnie….you have arrived in every sense of the word. This proves that change is GOOD. Best wishes for a good chemo outcome and don’t forget to enjoy California!


    Minnie….It all worked out well. Your trip by car and Karl’s plain ride went smoothly? It is nice to hear that another physician is trying a different approach in order to fight the recurring infections. My husband tolerated
    Gemzar without any disturbing side effects and Karl may just as easily sail through it also. .
    You must be thrilled to have the rest of the family around you for support and some fun also.
    Best wishes,


    We made it from WA down to So. Calif and Karl has a new oncologist in a big cancer center. We have spent the last 6 months getting nowhere up in Seattle. The new cat scan showed that it has spread to some nearby lymph nodes but no other places. The new doctor is putting him on a weekly treatment of Gemzar to try to shrink the tumor enough to stop all the infections. We should know if it is working in 6 weeks. He had his first treatment today. So far, he feels fine.

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