First piece of good news

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    Hi Andie,

    Excellent stuff, more good news for your dad! What a great day this is turning out to be for you! Hopefully this will continue for your dad with his app with the onc on Wednesday and I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

    It sounds like you all had a good break away and I’m sure that it will have done you all some good, and kids and animals is always a good mix! And coming home to these improvements in your dads health is the best welcome home present that you could get!

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    YEAH!!! 2nd piece of good news, Dads bilirubin is now 143, it has dropped 151 in 2 weeks. A big improvement on the 16 it had dropped previously. He has an appointment a week on Wednesday to see the oncologist, hopefully if it keeps falling as much he will be able to start treatment.

    Gavin, We did go away and whilst I didn’t want to at the time I’m glad we did. My son loved staying at the cottage on the farm, feeding the chickens, ducks and pigs and making friends with the cats. We took some lovely photos to share with Mom and Dad. It was also lovely coming home and seeing the difference in him, something I probably wouldn’t have noticed so much if I’d have stayed at home.

    Katja, Dad is still yellow tinged but his urine is normal and the itching has gone, plus the appetite has returned. If his eyes where whiter he would look more tanned than jaundiced. From last time though I know it takes a while for normal colour to return. The bilirubin test results today have put our mind at rest that the stent is working. Fingers crossed Chemo can start soon.

    Kris, yes good news is definatley a tonic, 2 weeks ago I felt like my world was ending again but today we all feel great. It goes to show you never know what’s round the corner and even though it’s hard you do really have to take it one day at a time.

    Best wishes to everyone


    Oh that’s all sounding so much more positive, Andie. I was wondering how you were going on. What is your dad’s bilirubin level now? I remember my dad was still quite yellow and itchy even when his level was down below 100.

    Hoping for more of the same, so pleased your dad is eating and getting out too.


    Sounds great Andie.

    Good news is a tonic to all.



    Hi Andie,

    I hope that you managed to enjoy your break away and that you were able to recharge your batteries a bit. And what good news to come back to, an increase in your dads appetite and weight, and that your dad is taking his walks again. Excellent stuff and I hope that you get some more good news today from your dads bili levels. Fingers crossed indeed!

    Best wishes,



    I took Dad to have his Cholangiogram (sp) yesterday and the dye was flowing like it should. Hopefully when we go today Dad’s blood test will show his bilirubin levels have dropped.

    I went away last week and when I returned I could see a difference in Dad. Since last Thursday his appetite has increased and he has gained 1Ib in weight which we are pleased about. He has also started going for his walks again.

    I’m hoping the reason for his levels not to have dropped were down to infammation as yesterday the radiographer said that compared to his last xray Dads ducts were less dilated in his liver.

    Fingers crossed, best wishes to all.

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