First Scan after surgery reveals new tumors

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    1. Is reresection possible?
    Did you discuss with your surgeon about that possibility although as you mention about 65% of the liver had been removed.
    You are only 46 years old,and patients can survive with only 25% of the liver left.
    2. How big are your 5 tumors? If they are smaller than 4cm or even 5cm,RFA or microwave ablation may be the choices if the interventional radiologist can get to the tumors;Chemoembro or radioembro with Y90 also can be used.
    You can also do chemoembro for the tumors and follow with RFA on the same tumor sites for better results. Some studies indicated the results were as good as resections;However there were also other reports indicated otherwise.
    As Marion said, radiology consultation by an interverntional radiologist is the best bet for your treatment plan if you choose radiation therapy.
    3. Chemotherapy with molecularly targeted agents such as Tarceva ,Erbitux, Avastin etc with or without traditional chemo agents like 5FU are among other choices too.It seems to me RECENTLY more oncologist are prescribing Xeloda by mouth ALONE for full or 75% of the dose for 8cycles (2weeks on and 1 weeks off) and Xeloda alone is easy to take then IV chemo.Radiation with chemotherapy at the same time is also another choice.
    I know CC is always a trough road to travel;hopefully step by step,and with God’s grace,we ,as patients,can reach our goal of being free of this disease in our life time.
    Keep in touch,you can email me if you want to. I am sure I had already missed to read a lot of other messages on this site lately.
    God bless.



    Just wanted to chime in and tell you not to give up. Keep pressing your doctors about other options. Just like Marions said, I’m sure they can try another chemo treatment that might have a different outcome. Stay strong and keep fighting. Sending good vibes your way, PeggyP


    Sissy….This happens quite often. Although Gem/Cis has been established as the “almost” standard of care for CC however, it is not the only treatment available. Most likely your physician will recommend another type of chemotherapy with the hope that you may have a positive response. Depending on the tumor location and size of tumor radiation may also be an option for you. For this you would need to see a radiation oncologist. I agree with the others in that one should always consider a second or third opinion from a physician


    Sissy, I would suggest getting opinions from a major cancer center where they have significant cc experience, especially if you’re not happy with what you’re hearing. As I’m sure you probably know, this is a pretty rare disease (< 2000 new cases per yr in the US), so even major cancer centers don't have huge amounts of experience. There are some major cancer centers that have lots more experience than others. I would look at the "Hospitals" thread here to see what experience others have had with cc here. I find it painful to read of some experiences patients have related here where it was clear to me their doctors/hospitals were clueless. One of my cancer friends was told by four major hospitals to just go home and die. Well, she's still very much alive well over a year later and still fighting, after going to a fifth hospital quite distant from home. And that's where she's continued to go for followup treatment and diagnostics, BC she trusts them. Wishing for the best possible outcome for you, Sissy.



    Not experienced enough yet to give advice, but just want you to know that I am rooting for you. Other opinions, in my limited experience so far, can vary greatly, even within the same hospital. So, like others here will tell you, take it to others for opinions.

    Praying for you, Sissy.


    Dear Sissy, I am sorry to hear your news but please keep in mind we are huge believers in other Doctor’s opinions! It might be worth it to send all your medical history (tests and etc.) to a major hospital like Mayo in Rochester, MN.



    I have to say when I read your post I was a littl taken back just by your name. That is what my momma always called, she never referred to me as Ashley (unless she was upset). :) In regard to your question, my mother was in a similar situation. The Gem/Cisplatin did work for her a little but not to the degree of shrinking them like they neeeded for surgery and in addition, new ones surfaced. She started chemo in August of 2010 and had a chemoembolization treatment around February 2011. It was our only other option at the time. She was always in pain due to the size of her tumors so it was hard for her to tell how much was the treatment. However, I can say that the treatment took a major toll on her body (she was only 46 at the time) and I don’t think she recovered well. They told us that it didn’t work only 2 weeks after the procedure and now I’m learning that it could take a couple of months to actually know the results. Also, the surgeon assumed that it worked because she was able to have a 70% liver resection in April 2011. Like all the others say, it varies from person to person and their situation. Mom was in the situation that it was her only option, so she took it. Please keep us updated on your journey.

    God Bless,


    I had my first scan after resection (June 15) and I have 5 new tumors. Gem/Cisplatin are not working. Exploring embolization. Any advice?

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