First Thanksgiving without my Dad

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    Hi, Lainy –

    I didn’t realize how hard the first holiday without my dad would be –

    I think I’ll be OK for Christmas and New Year’s – what I’m dreading is my dad’s birthday in January – my brother and son are also born in January so we always celebrated the three birthdays with one big party – that’s going to be hard!


    Hi Rose, boy don’t we learn the ropes fast? After my initial meltdown Thursday morning I was fine. The Grandkids, 3 guests from Milwaukee all made my day. Oh, it gets hard but I look around me at what I still have and the hole seems to fill up a little bit. We did lots of remembering and laughing and talking about Teddy.
    I am glad you had your children around you as well. Take care, Rose and thanks for letting us know how you are doing.


    Thanksgiving this year was also the fifth month anniversary of my Dad’s passing – for the past few years, our holiday celebrations have pretty much revolved around my father – we made sure his favorite foods were on the table and it was satisfying to see my dad enjoy his meal – I miss that

    My brother and sister-in-law decided to go to Las Vegas and spend Thanksgiving there this year – I don’t blame them – I don’t think the strain of caring for dad was realized until he passed away – and then, I had to call my brother right after they got to Las Vegas to let him know that our uncle had passed away!

    Had Thanksgiving lunch at my house for my children and their spouses – it was quiet but made a hard day bearable

    Now need to prepare for Christmas (Christmas Eve will be my Dad’s sixth month anniversary!)

    I guess the first holiday makes you realize how everything has changed.

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