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  • #94922

    Hi positivity,

    Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

    From reading the blogs within the community, I’ve learned that it is important to have direction and not remain idle -“spinning your wheels”. Confidence and determination are key to moving forward.

    Thanks again.


    Hello Anthony,
    The path you choose as far as treatments is personal based on your research, appointments with oncologists, and applying what you learn to the unique situation of your mother. It is tough, this I understand. If you want to try conventional with alternative therapy in the confidence that you think the treatment will work better, then by all means go for it. I have experienced many suggestions, and made difficult choices. It seems each case is unique and have the confidence you are making right decisions, and remember they can be changed also with time. Another words, if something doesn’t work or does, whether to continue or not.

    Hopefully this isn’t too vague as far as giving an exact or specific example, but just guidance.

    Thanks for joining our community.


    Hi all,
    I hope this finds everyone well.

    After reading the uplifting and motivating posts from many on the site I felt it right to come to everyone from some advice/direction.

    My mom has recently (about a month) been diagnosed with stage iv colon cancer with mets to liver and lungs. Prior to her diagnosis, she did not have any symptoms commonly associated with cc. However, she did experience belly button discharge which released pus, which upon biopsy, was determined to be cancerous. From that point, we have conducted tests including colonoscopy, ct/pt, bloodworm, MRI, etc. The doctors we spoke with for her primary and second opinions have concurred with the evidence provided via the test results.

    We have spoken to her onco and determined that the best way to begin for her treatment is with chemo (FOLFOX + Avastin) for 4-6 treatment sessions, then to assess the progression and see if we should either continue with chemo treatments or if surgery would be possible after noticing shrinking of tumor and decrease in cancer cell evidence.

    We are scheduled to meet with physicians at Memorial Sloan Kettering in their Integrative Medicine Department, with the idea of learning more about Pan-Asian Medicine and Vitamins and how they would complement the chemo therapy. With her primary conventional treatment, I am looking to introduce CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) to increase the absorption, efficacy, and circulation of the conventional therapy. From studies I have been reading on the national institute of health, there are medicinal herbs which will promote the inhibition of cancer stem cell production and will enhance the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs.

    As well, I am trying to learn how to balance the opinions of others and not allow all the information on the web to cloud our judgement and bring more confusion to us then we are already experiencing. Many people are telling us to stick to a strictly holistic route of therapy, but I do not completely agree with such. I am looking to hear the suggestions of others. Have you dealt with people constantly providing suggestion after suggestion which only made matters more stressful? My concern is to keep the stress level down and stick to a team oriented therapy process where we work together with the medical professionals to find the best treatment for her.

    Sorry for the long story. Thank your for your time.

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