Flu Facts for People With Cancer and Cancer Survivors

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  • #74046

    Definitely another good one, Gavin. I have three big soap boxes that always get me riled up….flu shots (vaccines in general), over use of anti-bacterial products and women with heart disease especially heart attacks (it’s better now because we are changing how the medical field looks at women and heart disease).
    My husband will laugh if someone gets me started on those because I can be very passionate. And of course I am adding cancer now too….educating people about cholangiocarcinoma since so few people know about it.



    Good rule you have there Kris re everyone who wants to visit getting their flu jabs first! My dad used to get it too and my mum also gets one each year, she has copd. Just waiting on the district nurse coming to see her to give to her this year. We start flu season quite early here in Scotland and I know that some health boards have already started getting the jabs done this year!

    I think that it’s only kids here in Scotland that get the nasal spray, everyone else gets the jab in the arm! Here’s another link that I think is informative as well –


    And a good soap box you have there too Kris, well worthy I say! :)

    Best wishes,



    Good article Gavin. I push the flu shot heavily around our house even when no one had cancer. And now the rule is you have to have the flu shot to visit once flu season rolls around here (usually after the first of the year). Everyone in the house gets it. And I always encourage my patients and caregivers to get it. The only hold out is my mother in law who thinks she gets the flu from it…..very hard to do since it is an inactive virus but for some people as their immune system is ramping up and making antibodies after the vaccine may have mild flu like symptoms…..usually a low grade temp and body aches. You can only get the flu from the nasal spray which is a weakened live virus.

    Can you tell it’s one of my soap boxes?


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