Flu Shot

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    Forgot to post…
    My newest doctor said that they highly recommend getting the flu shot to their patients. He said to get it towards the end of your off week because you need enough white blood cells in your system to make the vaccine take hold.

    They are actually very serious about the flu here. My landlords daughter needs surgery on her spine but the hospital will not give it until she gets her flu shot.



    Think of it this way…you need to be stubborn to fight this cancer!

    I am sorry she is in so much pain. What does it mean that her spleen is prominent? Is it caused by infection or the cancer? Are they going to do anything about it? I admit I didnt know what the spleen did so I wikied it and it appears that it helps the immune system. Did they tell you what it was about?

    Do they know what is causing the spasms?

    The funny thing with this cancer is how one thing affects another then another like some horrible domino game. But the good news is that one can often spring back relatively quickly when they find out what is wrong. Not every problem is cancer related, sometimes it is more of a side effect of a side effect of a drug or infection.

    Hope your mom feels better soon.



    Kris, my mom is not doing well at all. She is in SO much pain. Which the say is “spasms”. Her lower abdomen and left side clear up into her back hurts. She said that the pain is a 20. The dr. said that her spleen is prominent, which he said could also be causing some of the pain. They did give her a prescription to help with the spasms but I can’t rememer the name of it. She is currently on the patch and lortab for pain and even all that isn’t helping. This cancer makes me soooo mad! It’s just frustrating, as I’m sure you know.

    For now my mom is not going to get the flu shot. She said that if he wanted her to have it then she would. Have I mentioned that my mom is VERY stubborn? ! :-)


    We were discussing this ealier. I will ask my oncologist about flu shots on Monday, but dont expect an answer until tuesday when I get back…the protocal for cisplatin here is that you have to spend the night in the hospital after you get it to monitor your kidneys.

    As to the reason why you need to wait, I would assume that the vaccine can wear you out and if there is an infection it would not be good. I think they are just wanting to make sure your moms body can handle a vaccine. Remember that the reason vaccines work is that they often introduce some of the virus to build up your body’s immunity to it.

    How is she doing by the way?



    My mom is scheduled to have a metal stent put in on Monday, the 14th. Yesterday when we met with the oncologist I asked about her having a flu shot. He said that we should wait and see what happens with the stent…??? What the heck does that mean?

    So, I was wondering how many CC patients got the flu shot?

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