For all us who are grieving

Discussion Board Forums Grief Management For all us who are grieving

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    Susan, I lost my husband and my mother in 9 months. My daughter is the only family that gives me comfort, and sometimes I think she gets tired of doing that. I have been seeing a couselor weekly, I don’t know what I would do without her. I can be having a bad day, then I go in, most of the time I come out laughing. I told her that last summer I still had my mom, my daughter was not working at the time, this year no Wayne, no mom, just lonliness. The other morning I heard the alarm go off, I hurried up and turned it off, I didn’t want to wake Wayne up, then I turned the only thing in bed with me was my dog, sleeping in Wayne’s place. That one moment when I wasn’t in reality made me happy, the real world took over then, got to get up and go to work. It is amazing how I felt in that one moment. Have you tried counseling it is a slow process, but you will fill better afterwards.


    Thank you Darla. I am trying to give myself time and space for healing. I’m just not used to being so sad. It will improve in time and I look forward to that. I’m not sure what the new me will be like, but I’m not rushing it. Thank you again. Blessings, Susan



    Just wanted to let you know that you are normal and not alone in your feelings. Don’t be hard on yourself for not being what you used to be. I feel like that a lot too. Some days it is hard enough just being me and I’m overwhelmed by what is going on around me. I can hardly support myself much less anyone else. Some days are better than others. Losing 3 important people in your life in such a short time, it’s no wonder you feel as you do. I see your posts on here often, so you are being helpful and support to others here. And being helpful and supportive of others also seems to help us. We have all been put in these situations unexpectedly and there is no right or wrong way to deal with the sadness and grief. You are on your own schedule and will do what you have to do when you are ready. Take care Susan and keep coming back here where you have the best people and the best support in the world.

    Love & Hugs,


    Thank you, Marion. I have been doing well up till this week. My heairt is just so heavy and my energy is very low. I keep moving forward and I keep up with my responsibilities, but I rest a lot more and don’t step up to take care of others as is my habit. I want to be a support for other members of my family, especially my mom, but my resources are somewhat limited right now. This is kinda new for me. I am usually so strong, but this year has taken me down. I spend time trying to feel, grieve, process, and look forward to the future with hope. Thanks for your caring thoughts. Blessings, Susan


    Susan….My heart is heavy for you. Three losses in a short time….this is much to overcome.


    I agree, Michelle. This is beautiful.
    Thanks so very much for sharing.


    So beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. I have had three major losses in the past 3 1/2 months and this is very comforting to me. Michelle, what a blessing to have you share this. Blessings, Susan


    Oh, Michelle, that is so beautiful and says it all. I am putting that one in a frame.
    Thank-you so very much.



    Just wanted to share this with everyone….

    Those who are near me do not know that you are nearer to me than they are
    Those who speak to me do not know that my heart is full with your unspoken words
    Those who crowd in my path do not know that I am walking alone with you
    They who love me do not know that their love brings you to my heart.

    –Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

    I miss you, Daddy.


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