Foundation Monetary Support for Alternative Treatments

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Foundation Monetary Support for Alternative Treatments

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  • #91985

    Thank you for the information Marion. I will consider both links.



    Darryl…..the National Cancer Institute provides a lengthy listing of patient support organization. Perhaps one or the other may fit your need:
    I hope for others to chime in on this as well.

    On another note: have you investigated biological treatments such as Immunotherapy?

    Sending tons of good wishes your sister’s way.


    Good Morning All,

    My sister was diagnosed with Cholangio Carcinoma on February 19th 2016. We have decided to go with an integrative approach for her treatments. The costs for the alternative treatments are not covered by her healthcare insurance plans and have proven to be costly. Does anyone in the group know of any foundations to reach out to in reference to financial assistance? We started a gofundme campaign

    Kind Regards

    Darryl Dortch

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