Free Airflight for cancer patients

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    Nice going, Julie, good find and thanks for posting it. I had a cousin who had his own plane and flew for Angel Flights. If I remember correctly he took kids to the Shrine Hospitals. Thanks again.


    While doing some web surfing a short time back, I came upon a message on Cancer Compass. It was post about a service by companies who own corporate jets. They offer seats on their company jets for free to cancer patients who must travel distances to their treatment or cancer center. It is a free service Called Corporate Angel Network, Inc.

    The post is as follows: …”All cancer patients , regardless of age, can fly to recognized treatment centers around the country free of charge on empty seats in corporate jets. Their website is Phone number for caregivers to call is 914-328-1313 and the toll free number for patients to call is 866-328-1313. Since 1981, they have arranged more than 25,000 flights with cancer patients aboard. They do all of the work. Located in Westchester County Airport in White Plains, NY. They say, “no costly airfare, no stressful delays, no unnecessary exposure to airport crowds.”

    There is a lot more to read about this charity if you go to the main page at the website:

    It’s been a while since I read through it, but I think this particular group generally allows the patient and one caregiver and the patient must not need medical support for the slight. In other words…this isn’t “Lifeflight ambulance service.” I went on to find links to many other airflight organizations like this….some of which only deal with pediatric patients, but the majority, it seems, deal with all cancer patients. The links may be inside of the corporate angel website. There were a lot of them. If I can find that , I will post a link to it also.

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