Friends mom has CC

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    Dear Daisy – Dr Schwartz was the first doctor we consulted with back when my husband Dave was first diagnosed. He is a wonderful man and made us feel very comfortable, but gave us no hope. He felt strongly he could not attempt surgery nor a resection and immediately recommended Chemo options, primarily Dr Holcombe also at Sinai who he works closely with.
    We wound up going to MSKCC for a much more aggressive approach. He disagreed strongly with our decision, and strongly advised against our choice, but continued to make himself very available to discuss the decision we made. I can’t help but think if we had stayed there Dave would only have had the 3 months he estimated.
    It’s been almost 2 years so I am not sure how his approach has changed – we just felt he offered very limited resources compared to MSKCC.
    As everyone here will always tell you, make sure you get a 2nd and even 3rd opinion.
    At the end of the day, your friend needs to go where she feels most comfortable.


    You may also want to take a look at the Cholangiocarcinoma Medical Advisory Board:


    Daisy, I have seen patients on here with both of these ONCs . If you enter one name at a time in our Search engine posts on each Doctor will appear. Best of luck to your friend and hope they join us!


    A new friend who will be able to post in a few days asked if any one has with Dr. Myron Schwartz at Mt. Sinai. Her mother has CC at is looking at a possible resection. Another Doctor she is inquiring about is Dr. William Jarnagin. Any info on either of these doctors would be greatly appreciated. She is able to view the responses and will be able to post herself soon.

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