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  • #35244

    Ahhhh! Thank you everyone! I just needed to vent. :O}


    Hi Lu,

    I am glad to hear that your dad is feeling good and that the diabetes is now under control, and I am also glad to hear that you have the app with the surgeon in two days. I hope that goes well for your dad. And as you say, this surgeon deals with CC and it sounds like you have a good plan here for your dad now.

    Try and stay positive and think of the now. What has happened before is in the past and look to the future now and stay strong for your dad. I know all of this is frustrating and that we want answers now. I was my dads carer in his fight and I went through the same feelings and emotions that you are going through now with your dad.

    My best wishes to you, Jen and your dad,



    Lu…I agree. Frustration appears to be part of the game but, persistence and diligence pays off. You are a great example.
    Good luck and best wishes for continued success,


    CC is a learning process so dont beat yourselves up. Time to move ahead and it sounds like good things are ahead. Wishing the best for your dad.



    Thank you Lainy you are 100% correct we can’t dwell just push forward. I’m just happy to have the appointment for my daddy and get him started on treatment and start the fight. Good thoughts to everyone and thank you again for the support, experiences and suggestions it really does help more than I would have ever thought.


    Lulu you cannot go back, you cannot dwell on what was as you now have your newest task in front of you. The road you took was not preferred but the route taken is over. You are so lucky. You have the best in surgeons and doctors now and well on your way. Let the past go, you cannot change it and save your good energy for the best to come.
    CC can be so frustrating until you get an actual DX and a plan and then proceed. Good wishes and best of luck on meeting with the surgeon. We have everything crossed for your dad and of course please keep us updated.


    Good morning everyone! Surprised to see Jen04 hasn’t posted yet! Well those of you who said seeing the latest doctor who does only endoscopic procedures was a waste of time were absolutely correct. We were bumped up 10 days (silver lining) we did get a cancellation for the real surgeon and see him in two days…these are the positive things. We are now at it though, where we should have been a month ago and we sit with no true diagnosis yet. We know the lymph nodes are fighting and are not matasticized yet, we know the lining of the pancreas is thickening but they say it isn’t a horrible thing. We know the stent is still in place. My dad feels good but continues to lose weight at a rapid pace…he has gotten the diabetes under control within a few weeks…I just don’t know why you would do a procedure that more often than not yields no results…so here we are at surgery. What we have wanted from day one. Laproscopic to major surgery. Survey the situation and then go in and hopefully be able to remove the tumor band…some radiation or chemo and get on with it! Sigh! It’s been a month since we determined we need surgery. We have the chief of surgery lined up that has dealt with cc so THAT is good…I hope for everyone of you who is new to this to seriously take charge and listen to the awesome people on this site. There is a wealth of personal knowledge and insight you cannot find elsewhere. We so appreciate everyone here!

    Best regards, Lu Lis

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