Frustration Reigns in Sweden

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    Hi our fighting angel!! No you are not expecting too much and yes he most definitely should have not only read your file he should have made notes. This is a tough call. While he seems to be knowledgeable I feel it very remiss that he had not read the chart. On the other hand you are an expert on the doctors. I hate to say this but, I would not give him to long to set up that PET> Just my humble opinion and Teddy jumped in on this one too!



    I just met my new oncologist. The good news is I told him about 5 times I expected him NOT to give up on me and he said he got it. He also had a twinkle in his eye…I like doctors with twinkles in their eyes.

    Yet he frustrated me to the nineth degree. First, he did not know my history very well. I think he kept getting my tumors mixed up. The big one is outside, not inside the liver! When I asked about other options, he kept shooting them down. And then to top it off, he ordered a CT scan. If he had bothered to read my records, he would know that ct, mri, and ultrasound are useless with my tumor. It only shows up on PET. So we had to request a PET and he said he needed to read my chart again before he would order one. Shouldnt he have done that before meeting me?

    It was our first meeting, I have to say I wasnt impressed with his preparation, but he did seem knowledable about cc. Am I expecting too much?


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