fusing of large and small intestines

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion fusing of large and small intestines

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    Belena…. Nice to hear things turned out okay with small intestine and radiation. Wish you all the best!
    Jeff G.


    Hi Jeff,
    I’m just getting back to the website to answer your questions. The surgeons said that they “looked around” while my husband was open and the radiation did the job. He is well on his way to recovery and will start eating tomorow.



    Hi Belena… I can attest to the pain being severe as nothing before. I have one more week left of radiation to the spine. I thought something was going on a few days ago and went to ER and demanded a CT Scan. Luckly all was okay. Thanks for posting this information though, as I will stay on the alert. My situation turned out to be irritation of the subcutaneous nerves in my abdomen. They tried different meds and nothing helped the pain in the abdomen, So off too WalMart again and got me a spray can of solarcaine which had 2.5% of Lidocaine hydrocloride. One good spraying of stomach ,side and abdomen gave me instant relief to all those soft tissue nerves. I continue to use it every 3-4 hours as needed which depends on how much I move around. I’m still using morphine for the primary spine nerve pain but at a reduced dosage as the radiation appears to be doing the trick. Despite the unfortunate fusing did the radiation help your husband? I feel like I might reduce or try stopping pain med in a couple days. The possible side effects of radiation was probally in the fine print of the consent form I signed. I have heard from a patient’s husband that his wife recieved some pretty bad burns to her insides because the doctor tried to be to aggressive with to high of dosage. Belena, is your husband going to have a nuero surgeon consult or do you feel the radiation took care of the tumor? I had radiation of my liver as well back in Dec. 06 because of pain and had positive results.
    Best Wishes to you Both!
    Jeff G.


    My husband underwent 3 weeks of radiation in order to remove a tumor on his spine – this was in April. Last week he began to complain of lower abdominal pain, no appetite, diarrhea and hiccups. Of course, his oncologist wanted to just prescribe pain medication and send him home. But I pushed for more because he has never had pain that was so severe. As it turns out the radiation had caused the small intestine to fuse with the large intestine. At some point they tore apart and left a hole in his small intestine. I was informed that this sometimes happens (the fusing) as a result of radiation. I was curious to know if anyone has any experience with this? My husband’s oncologist was floored and very apologetic.

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