Gas pains and bloating!

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects Gas pains and bloating!

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    John…. Great news on cancer free. Lets keep it that way! I had liver and gallbladder resection and hernia folloed.. A lot of gas a bloating. I was prescribed prevacid 20mg to take 30 minutes prior to breakfast each day as to much stomach acid will cause these symptoms. Maybe try lowering your digested enzymes a little bit. See what your doctor says. Best to you!
    Jeff G.


    Hi John,
    Congratulations on being cancer free. My mom had surgery in November 2006. She has had a lot of problems with gas pains and discomfort. The dr. told her that any time that they do anything with your stomach and so on it is very common. I wish that I had better advice for you, just wanted to let you know that you aren’t alone.
    Mom has a hernia. The dr. wants to give her a little more time to recover from the other surgery before they do anything. I am curious if you can tell me some about what they did when you had your hernia surgery. Hers is about 6 inches. The surgeon wasn’t at all concerned about it. Sounds like it is very common. We would just like to know what to be prepared for.
    Congratulations again.


    I had Whipple Surgery on 11-9-05 and after three different forms of Chemo and Radiation I am now cancer free according to my Cat Scans and Blood Work. I have to take Digestive Enzymes with every meal now in order to properly digest my food. I have a problem with gas pockets just below my rib cage which are rather intense at times! I have tried various types of over the counter gas reducing products but they do not entirely stop the problem . If anyone has had similar problems like this I would appreciate any suggestions on the subject. I have recently had an operation to repair an incisional hernia which occured after my whipple. I had a large piece of mesh screen which was placed across my stomach to help support my midsection. Thanks for any input that you may have on this matter. John.

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