Gemcis Results/Proton Beam trial at MD Anderson

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Gemcis Results/Proton Beam trial at MD Anderson

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  • #31678

    Hi Kris,

    The doctor said I won’t qualify for a resection until my staging drops down from IV to III. I hope this will happen soon!! But I know I have a long fight ahead of me.

    As for the cyberknife – I haven’t even looked at the information yet – I just figured I wasn’t there yet and didn’t want to overload myself with information. There is just so much to know.

    If you are interested – I found the trial on the clinical trials website – search with Cholangiocarcinoma AND Proton.

    My radiation oncologist explained that it is only a phase 1 trial – so it is basically a theory one of the doctor’s is trying to show has merit. My doctor advised me that the drug they are using in combination with the Proton Beam Therapy theoritecally makes sense, and that she would never be able to give me radiation dosage as high with the standard method of radiation. The biggest advantage of proton beam is that the beam’s width and depth can be controlled – so less harm to surrounding tissue and organ’s.

    Dana Farber in Massachusett’s is currently doing a phase II trial on proton beam therapy, but they aren’t using the drug Bevacizumab. Bevacizumab blocks the growth of blood cells in tumours.

    I believe Sloan-Kettering in NYC also uses proton beam therapy for our cancer.

    Anyhow, I have nothing to lose. I might as well hit it hard while I still have the strength and energy!

    Thank you for the support,


    Yeah Mel. You just got about 15% shrinkage after four treatments. Keep it up! Could you possibly now qualify for cyberknife aswell?

    Need to look at proton bean therapy. I have no clue but I am always interested in bringing more papers to my doctor.



    Hi All,

    I met with my doctor today to discuss the results of my bone scan and ct scan. There are no new growths, the existing tumours have remained the same except for the one biggie – it shrank from 8cm to 7cm! I know I should be happy with these results, as it was within a span of 4 treatments on Gemcis!!

    After talking to my oncologist, we have decided to try to get into the Proton Beam Therapy trial at MD Anderson in Houston. Perhaps with a combination of it and chemo it’ll make a bigger difference.

    Has anyone here participated in this trial yet? I was just wondering what to expect as far as time spend at MD Anderson each day for the therapy, side effects you experienced, or any tips to prepare.

    Thank you,

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