Gemcitabine and cisplatin chemotherapy

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Gemcitabine and cisplatin chemotherapy

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  • #65602

    Hi AJ,

    Glad that the link was of use to you. I know that there are a ton of posts on the site here about the Gem/Cis combo from all of the members and using the search forum function will throw them up for you if you want to read more about it. Many of them will be about their of their loved ones experiences of that combo and that may be of help to you and your dad.

    I hope all goes well for your dad tomorrow with his first treatment and please let us know how he gets on with it. My fingers are crossed for him and loads of positive thoughts coming your way too.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Thank you for posting…very helpful! My dad will be going for his first Gem/Cis treatment tomorrow morning!


    Glad to be of help Willow! It has sort of stopped raining here now, just a few showers but hey, that is a good day for us! ;) Maybe we’ll get some of your California sun tomorrow….always the optimist here!!!


    Thanks, Gavin. Very helpful. Sorry you’re getting washed away over there in Scotland!

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