gemzar plus oxali equals results the hard way

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More gemzar plus oxali equals results the hard way

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    Marjorie…..this is the web site for the company:
    In addition to perusing our site with the serach function by entering “cyberknife and of course, the responses you may receive from others, you might also contact the company itself. The one person familiar to me is:
    Catherine Bonetti, Patient Relations Manager. She can be reached at:
    Good luck and as always I am sending my best wishes your way,


    Thank you, Kris–that’s what I want too. Thanks to this regime, despite its diffficulties and the need for Miralax, lexepro, coumadin, Emend and raglan… I am now looking at clnicial trials with some hope. One at Utah does not appeal at all–exploring the max. toxicity that can be tolerated with chemo. But proton beam, cyber knife, nano knife, gene therapy are also out there.

    Can someone tell me, what is cyber knife?

    I am grateful for this discussion board with its vitality and energy and determination. Feels good to be part of it.


    Best of luck getting treatment on Mondy Suzanne.

    I had my problems with this drug, but I didnt get any results. I dont know what to say or advise. I know for me, I would put up with almost anything if it would give me more time with my family, but that is only my take. Everyones is different.



    Hi Marjorie – I’ getting Oxaliplatin + 5FU (FOLFOX). The oxaliplantin has helped wipe out my platelet count. I haven’t been able to get chemo for more than 2 weeks now because of it. I’m trying again on Monday but not hopeful. Not sure what I’ll do if platelets are still too low. There is an injection I can get but the side effects of it are pretty severe. I’m still weighing it out. The docs tell me a platelet infusion won’t help because it will give a false rise and my actual platelets will still take a hit. We’ll see what happens on Monday.


    Well, I know there’s no easy way. At Mayo Clinic in early August I was told there are 12 tumors in my liver, and the best recommendation was gemzar and oxaliplatin to halt progression. So I’ve been on that regime every other week since August 17.

    A Cat Scan October 5 showed that the majority of the tumors have shrunk. so this regimen is having an effect.

    But i am struggling with a very low hematocrit, having had 3 blood transfusions since I started, anemia that makes my heart pound just from walking up the stairs (I am 56 years old and a healthy backpacker until a year ago), and sluggish bowels. These side effects plus the stomach discomfort seem to get worse each time.

    I am wondering how others are doing on oxaliplatin.
    thank you.

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