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    Aw yes, the path of true cancer buddies! Sometimes you just HAVE to chuckle!

    Yes, I have had the “pain in the neck” symptom, and I’m not talking about my husband right now!!! We were out goofing around on a Saturday afternoon, visiting my favorite bookstore. I had had gas for days, and by the time we came out of the store, my neck hurt so bad, I was afraid to move. For the first time ever, I actually asked him to PLEASE take me home so I could lay down. I thought maybe laying down would allow more, shall we call it “straight passage”, than sitting upright. And it did help. I have had that pain once or twice since then, but never quite that bad.

    In my unprofessional opinion, I think gas can build up in your system so much, that it fills up the “natural” empty places and sneaks in anywhere else it can. It goes away, sometimes faster than other times.

    Lainy, definitely…fake sugar of any kind is bad for gas. (Or good for gas, depends on how you look at it).

    I ate some ice cream last night (normal, full sugar outstanding cherry chocolate chip…mmmmm) and I noticed that for a few hours after that, I was a burping machine. Not good, when you are trying to go to sleep. Maybe some lactose intolerance? I don’t drink much milk, but I do eat cheese and have only noticed this lately.

    Hope you are all doing good today! I am out from under a tense deadline at work, and it’s supposed to be sunny, if only 50 degrees. And it’s Thursday. I feel very good today!



    Glad to know others have gerd and symptons dont have to mean reoccurance!!! That is happy news indeed. Sue did you also get pain in your neck after eating? I think it was that sympton that put my imagination in overdrive because I do know this cancer causes referred pain.

    And on a seperate note, I am chuckling over the fact that once again Sue and I have to follow a similar path.


    Sue, add to that sugar substitutes. I have IBS and a touch of diverticulitis. A couple of years ago I started using the “Pink” substitute. That started throwing my system off. Then my brother-in-law said oh no! You must use the “yellow” substitute. For another year I thought I would have to go in to diapers. About 3 months ago I decided to go back to just plain old sugar. After 3 days my system was more normal than it had been for 3 years!!! Just a thought!


    Hi Kris,

    Yes, this is something I battle everyday. I have been on meds since my surgery (I use Aciphex) and it does HELP, but I still have all the same symptoms you wrote about. I did end up having an endoscopy (scope down the esophagus thru the stomach and into the top of the small intestine) and they had to stretch part of my esophagus, which really did help some. At least it got rid of the sharp burning pain I was having in my chest. The GI said it’s likely that that will need be done more than once. I know my dad had it done many times before he passed away (nothing related to his death).

    I relate to all the gas problems you have been having, but fear that it may be something we have to live with. You might ask your doc about some reflux meds…Nexium, Prilosec, Protonix, Aciphex. Some are over the counter and may help. She said to watch sugar free gum and candies, beans, broccoli, any known “gassy” foods, but I have to admit it is soooo hard to cut them out.

    I figure, so many people live with this everyday, if this is the only problem I have to deal with, I’m okay with that.

    Take care,


    Does anyone have experience with Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Gerd)?

    I have been feeling really gassy recently along with spitting up a little after I eat and having heartburn. Now I am getting pain in my neck after I eat. I have googled things and it seems it might be gerd. Or at least I hope because I dont want to think of other possiblities.

    I am thinking that all the sweet tea and change in diet since coming back to the states might have put it into overdrive. I am going to try get control of things. I read up on it and I have to cut the standards…dairy, meat and sugar as well as fruits and “gassy” vegetables as well as glutan. Doesnt leave much. But this neck and gas pain is killing me.

    So anyone been diagnosed with gerd? It actually sounds like it could be something which could irratate the system and be a cause of cancer.

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