Gingers CT – Scan Results.

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    Gerardo and Ginger, My thoughts and prayers go out to both of you. I will be thinking of you both on Sunday and know that it will be a memorable day for you. Happy birthday Ginger. :)

    With Love & Hugs,


    Gerardo, sending you my prayers as well! You are the sweetest couple . And so brave. Suz


    Gerardo, sending you and Ginger prayers for peace and comfort. You are such a loving husband. The school community who is showing so much support is a reflection of the love and good you both put out to the world through.


    I’m so sorry. Prayers coming to you and Ginger!


    Hopefully one day there will be a cure, prayers for you all.


    Dear Gerardo,

    I am so very sorry to hear the latest news and my heart goes out to both of you. I just wanted you to know that my prayers are with you.



    Geraldo..I am so sorry to hear the latest news. My heart goes out to you and Ginger. Much is out of our control when this cancer strikes, but controlling the decision of halting further treatment cannot be taken from Ginger. And, you, Geraldo, are offering your ultimate gift by accepting her decision.
    Based on my own experience I consider this the most precious time of a life together. The memories made and the love shared will be forever imprinted in your heart and soul – it will become your treasure.
    As Lainy has mentioned, the support offered by Hospice will allow for quality time spent with each other and those closest to your heart.
    The outpouring of love you and Ginger are receiving is a testimony of the wonderful people you are. I will be thinking of you on the 20th although bittersweet I wish for the most memorable day for all.
    Hugs and love,


    Dear Gerado, Ginger is very brave and evidently she has made her Peace. This is the time Teddy referred to as our “Honeymoon” and it truly was. Now, after 2 years, I think of that more than anything unpleasant. Home Hospice is wonderful as they are there to keep her comfortable and to release you to just concentrate on the 2 of you. My prayers go out to the 2 of you. If at any time you feel the need to email privately please feel free to email me.


    Hello CC Family,

    It’s been a week since we received the bad news from Ginger’s CT-Scan results.
    Dr Thomas Lowe confirmed to us that the chemo did not help Ginger at all,the tumors on her liver actually grew more and she has new ones.she has Adenocarcinoma with multifocal liver lesions in both lobes of the liver.He gave her two options.1) Continue with stronger dose of chemo which he really doubt that it would help her and 2). Go on Hospice,which is what she chose.its now a matter of quality of life.

    I am having a very hard time accepting this.But only she knows what it’s like to go through chemo.Im just taking it day by day and trying to make her happy.We continue to receive lots of help,support and love from the school community.I tell Ginger that she has no idea how much she is Loved by all the school community.Her Birthday is the 20th of January and besides what iI have planned for her some of the teachers and students are planning some Birthday greeting videos.Im sure it will be something that will make her very happy.because she loved all the students.

    I would like to thank everybody
    For all your thoughts and prayers.

    Gerardo and Ginger.


    Dear Gerardo, it is so nerve wracking to wait for the Scan results. I am crossing everything I own and sending you the best thoughts for a good scan report!


    Gerardo….we call it scananxiety and can relate well to your feelings. But all of us get through and knowing how strong you have been all along, you will also muster this. Just know that a tidal wave of support is heading your way. Can you feel it? Can’t wait to receive your update. Strength to you.


    Hello All,

    Please bare with me this morning, as I am a little nervous and scared.Ginger had a CT -Scan on Friday and we have an appointment later this afternoon for the results.I don’t know what to expect and Im also unsure that if its bad news.Should Ginger know everything? I’m afraid that if its bad news she will get more depressed.

    Ginger has been doing well the last few days.She seems to be getting stronger and she’s more alert .She has been off the chemo treatment for three weeks.Her doctor said that if he didn’t see any shrinkage in the tumors,he was going to do something else.We will find out more today.

    I will keep you all posted on the results and the next medical procedures on Ginger.

    Thanks for all your support.


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