Glad to find this resource

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Glad to find this resource

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  • #11951

    Hello all,

    I was diagnosed intrahepatic CC on 30 Nov – 8 days after my 62nd birthday and I year after I retired and moved to a new house in Florida. What an event. Initial treatment at Walter Reed where they (medical term) “burned the crap out of the tumor…” The remaining scar is better than a “tat” and serves as a constant reminder about what I need to focus on – HOPE, competent medical care and taking care of myself and family.

    I’ve been in touch with a number of centers and will start with Johns Hopkins early Jan, followed by Cleveland Clinic (Dr. Miller). Also have been in touch with several others (Mayo, Emory, Duke,) with planned follow-up as necessary depending on outcomes. My doc at Walter Reed states that in my case, a transplant is my best hope for survival. Fortunately the CC was caught early and the tumor is small with no metastasis.

    Look forward to participating on this forum and am grateful to the folks who provide this service.


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