good news-aintree referral sooner than we think!

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  • #73546

    Great news Moonpie.

    This must be a relief to get it brought forward.


    YEAAAAAH! Moonpie that is wonderful, I am so glad as waiting is one of the worst parts of all this. Once treatment of any kind begins it somehow makes you feel better as something at least has been done. Much good luck and best wishes for the appointment.


    Thanks for letting us know about this Moonpie, that is great news indeed! I’m very glad to hear that things are moving for your mum with Aintree and of course, my fingers are crossed for her too! Remember to let us know how everything goes and what they recommend.

    My best to you and your mum,



    moonpie….happy to hear the news of the forward move by Aintree. Everything is lined up and I wish for the best of outcome heading your Mom’s way.


    hello all

    just wanted to say I am very happy that the referral to Aintree for the spyglass ercp has been moved forward

    mum was called to see the consultant today and it was decided that mum would have this done next Tuesday as opposed to the 29th juy

    the consultant didn’t pull any punches and said that they are almost certain its cholagniocarionoma of the bile duct or an adenocarcinoma of the pancreas and they don’t want to let mum wait around fr weeks on end.

    ive already got the contact details of professor lodge ready to see him privately if they say It definitely is cc or the pancreas cancer and if Aintree don’t think mum wud be a candidate for surgerydue to her health etc, I would just want proff lodge to confirm or look into possibilities before we accept that it is palliative

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