Good News/Bad News

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    Yup, got those taters planted today, and some flowers too. Tomorrow, I think I’ll plant more flowers and more green onions. I know some of you folks out there are getting too much rain. Would you please be so kind as to send it my way to Indiana? We need it badly!



    Cindy, attitude is everything and girl, you got it. A spud planter? Good for you, something else we didn’t know. Those potatoes will keep their eyes on you! Sorry, couldn’t resist. Too early in the morning. Guess I better ‘peel’ out of here! Have a great day.


    Thanks everyone! I felt real good about the visit yesterday. I told my husband that I was prepared for what ever news the oncologist had to give me. If it was bad, I was not going to get mad or sad. I am not going to let this get me down. And Pam, today I am planting potatoes in the garden!



    I am happy and sad for you, Cindy. Happy that the tumors in your liver are stable. Sad that your tumors on your spine grew. The good news is that radiation has been proven effective for these tumors. I know this will help and you will continue on as the Energizer Bunny that you are!! You always seem so even tempered and calm. How do you do it? Praying as always for positive outcomes.

    Love, -Pam


    Cindy…. You are holding back those pesky tumors – “stable” stands for “good” on this site. That is great.
    And, the people reporting of metastases to the spine responded really well to radiation treatments.
    I am right with you with the wish for shrinkage, but for right now I am pleased to hear of your visit with the physician.


    The better news, Cindy, is that this Doctor really seems to right on top of everything.
    I am sorry you have to add radiation to the rest but when Teddy had radiation he did not get sick at all, just tired towards the end. As long as these ONCs can keep coming up with ideas and they do seem to more and more, I call it not so bad news.
    Best wishes on the new regime!


    The oncologist gave me good news & bad news today. The good news is that the tumors on the liver stayed the same in size. So, I will continue on with the Xeloda/Oxaliplatin. The bad news is that he has been watching 2 tumors on my spine. They grew this time, so he wants to zap them with radiation. I will have an MRI of my spine next Friday, and he will then will consult with 2 other doctors on the treatment plan. He has started me on “Xgeva” (shot) which is used to treat osteoporosis and bone pain caused by cancer, along with OTC calcium supplements. I am still praying for that shrinkage!


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