My PET & CT scan results today indicated my cc lymph node tumor, which is outside my aorta off the left kidney, shrank and that the tumor isn’t as “hot” as previous scans in Nov. 2008 and April 2009 (Y E A H !!!!!!!!).
After my recurrence diagnosis in November 2008 (initially deemed inoperable), I received Gemzar & 5-FU with Nulasta booster during the winter followed by a one-week round of radiation. April scan results showed minor shrinkage with a “wait and see” diagnosis (no further treatments ordered). Today, my surgeon said that I must have a “direct link above” for such positive results since that was the only explanation for the continued shrinkage. That’s the most likely answer since I do have a vast support network of family, friends and faithul believers. They’re my soft place to land.
Thanks for sharing in my good news. This website gives me a forum where people truly do understand the challenges of this disease and faith that a cure is forthcoming.
Never give up hope and never give up fighting.