Good results with Xeloda alone

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    kcbrinely……Welcome to our site and I am happy that you have found us. Your husband has truly experienced some horrible side effects and I am happy to hear that he is feeling much better now. It appears that the Gem/Cis combination kept things stable which in itself is good news but, of course, we would like to see shrinkage of the tumor. You have made a good choice by acquiring another opinion through the Mayo Clinic. How is your husband feeling presently and has further chemotherapy been halted with Gem/Cis?
    I am sending all my best wishes your way,


    After experiencing unexplained pain beneath his right rib cage, my husband was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in May 2009.

    The tumor in his liver was large 12-14cm . This was fortunately the only cancer site, and it took several weeks of testing before the doctors were convinced of this.

    We were told, normally cancer tumors of this size were metastatic, and usually secondary sites from colon, or pancreatic cancer.

    We were told it needed to be reduced in size to aproimately 1/3 of the size it is currently to consider surgical removal.

    He began Chemotherapy at OU Cancer Center in Oklahoma City on 5-18-09: Gemcidabine by infusion on day 1 and day 8 of a 21 day cycle, and the oral chemotherapy drug Xeloda, 2 pills twice a day on days 1 through 14 of the 21 day cycle.

    After day 12 on Xeloda, he was hospitalized for 21 days with severre hand foot syndrome, and severre mouth/throat sores and mucositis. He was unable to use his hands, or to walk, or to eat or swallow for the first 12 days in the hospital. He lost multiple layers of skin, beginning with the palms of his hands, on the soles of his feet, and from mid torso all the way to the top of his head – in addition we were told his GI system was sluffing off cells and just as raw as the part we could see on his lips and inside his mouth. He was initally only being treated like a burn patient with topical ointments and pain medication, they finally began TPN (IV nutrition on day 13, and he was released 8 days later.

    After, recovering for three more weeks at home, with no chemo at all, he began round two of chemo on July 13, with another21 day cycle consisting of Gemcidabine, and Cisplatin.

    After 2 complete 21 day cycles, his tumor has remained stable, but has shown no signs of shrinking.

    We are now waiting for an appointment on Oct 1, 2009 with MD Anderson for a review of his records, and hope for some other kind of treatment that will help.

    If anyone has any information for us, I would appreciate any suggestions.


    I haveen on Xeloda alone for almost 3 months–I was also on Oxaliplatin but came off it due to neuropathy> I have had stable cancer markers and some tumor shrinkage. It is working for me too.


    Carol…I can only follow Lainy with well wishes. Xeloda has shown to be quite effective for some and not for others. Also, I cannot recall many (if any) postings about invasion of the ovaries with CC. Congratulations to the successful resection and your feeling so well.
    Please, continue to share with us.


    Dear Carol, what wonderful news and than you for sharing that with us. We pray for your continued success.


    I have had excellent results with Xeloda for lung and lymph node metastases.

    This recurrence was 18 months after resection of the liver and removal of lymph nodes, followed by 5 weeks of Xeloda and radiation. I was very fortunate to have the resection, because of the metastases: Gemzar and Xeloda had reduced the tumors enough to give me a shot at it. (6 months after that surgery, I had surgery to remove my ovaries, which had developed CC tumors).

    The latest bad news was in December, and for the past 6 months, I’ve been on just xeloda, 3 pills morning and night, one week on, one week off. The most recent CTscan showed that the lymph nodes shrank to normal size; and the lung nodules have remained stable. Tumor markers are WAY down. Side effects are minimal, and I have been able to lead a completely normal life.

    I feel very fortunate and hope others will have such a good experience with this drug.


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