Good test results for Dad

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Good test results for Dad

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    Hi Adma would you please Email me


    Hi Marie,
    Thanks for sharing your great news. My father is 83 years old and it is encouraging to hear a glass half full story of someone his age. God bless!


    Hi Marie,

    Thanks for this. It’s always good hearing good news! I hope you enjoy your trip to Ireland with your family.

    Best wishes



    Marie….Thank you for sharing this with us. Everything sounds so very encouraging including, the planned trip to Ireland. Congratulations.
    Best wishes,


    A clear scan is such marvellous news!! Thank you for coming on to tell us. I’m so glad you’re feeling the support of this wonderful “family” – I thank my stars every day for having found this site.


    Well, Marie, It is truly a Thanks & Giving Holiday for your family with that great news. What ever your dad decides to do will be the right decision for him regarding the chemo. Thank you so much for sharing your story of hope with all of us. We are sending good thoughts and prayers that your family make their trip to Ireland and that your dad continue his journey as a Cancer Survivor.


    Hello everyone, I have been following everyone’s journey these past months & looking for any information about chemo treatments for an elderly person (84 years old). After finishing his radation treatments in Sept, Dad decided to wait for his next CT scan before deciding on chemo. He has been doing really well & looking great. He had his CT scan about 2 weeks ago. We saw the surgeon the other day & his scan came back clear. The term he uses was “clinically cancer free”. He did give us a disclaimer that only means nothing has shown up on any tests, but there could always be something very minute not picked up on a test.
    My brothers & I (along with Dad) as so happy & grateful. We are thinking this glass is half full & not half empty. Dad is still not sure about the chemo. At his age I am afraid also of what it might do to him. This will have to be a decision he makes on his own. My brothers & I will be there for him no matter what he decides. The surgeon said that his odds get better after the 1st year (which will be April ’10). We are planning a triop to Ireland (where both my parents are from) this summer for my son’s graduation from high school. My son’s hope is that his Papa will be taking it with us like the trips before. This would mean the world to me also to be able to bring him back to his brother & sister after this terrible ordeal. Please pray for him to keep him healthy.
    Thank you for allowing me to share on this website. The time I spend reading everyone’s story has been so helpful.
    May God bless each of you & I think of everyone often.

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