Goodbye, Sis

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Goodbye, Sis

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  • #88475

    Krassi….my heart is with you in this difficult time. As mentioned by the others, you have given her the ultimate by demonstrating the utmost courage and devotion to Boyana and allowed her to pass in peace.
    May your heart begin to heal – one day at a time.


    Dear Krassi, I agree…you already are like her and she would be so proud of you for your courage and strength. Now, take some time for yourself…….to try to come to terms with what has happened. People of great strength, like you, tend to store away their emotions through a crisis and eventually, you will need to let go of those emotions and start to heal. God bless your and your family. Julie T.


    Dear Krassi,

    I’m so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear sister. Please accept my sincere condolences. I so wish that I could help ease the pain that you feel right now and please know that my thoughts are with you and your family right now. Please know as well that we are all here for you.




    Oh Krassi,

    I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your sister. You have my heartfelt condolences. Perhaps you will derive some small measure of comfort in knowing that your love and sensitivity eased her transition, and she passed feeling all of the love surrounding her.

    I hope you will continue to come to this board for comfort and support as you begin to process all of what has happened in these few short months.




    My Dear Krassi, you are already just like your Sister. Only the strong, wise and caring can make it through this journey and I know she is so proud of you and will always be around you showing her love for you.

    I’m at your side each night and day,
    In your heart is where I’ll stay.
    You can feel, see or hear, I am not gone, I’m always near.
    I’m the colorful leaves when fall comes round,
    The pure white snow that blankets ground.
    I’m the first bright blossom you’ll see in Spring.
    The first warm raindrop that April will bring.
    I’m the first ray of light when the sun starts to shine,
    And you’ll see that the face in the moon is mine.
    I’ll whisper your name through the leaves on the trees,
    And you’ll feel my presence in the soft summer breeze.
    I’m the salty tears that flow when you weep,
    And the beautiful dreams that come while you sleep.
    I’m the smile you see on a baby’s face.
    Just look for me, I’m every place!


    Dear Krassi,

    I am so sorry to hear that Boyana has passed away. You and your family have my deepest sympathy. She sounds like a beautiful woman and you and your family were a great comfort to her. Your last words to her will be with her forever and I know you will keep that promise. She was so young and it is hard to get your mind around what has happened when it goes so quickly. Take comfort in the fact that she did not have to suffer too long and that she is no longer suffering and in pain. Keep her with you forever in your heart and memories.



    Dear All,

    On June 2nd at 21:00h, my sister Boyana passed away. She was 36 years old. Her first complaints were from early March. She was diagnosed, however on April 23rd.
    40 days. This is the time we were given to understand, to realise, to fight, not to give up, to hope…
    The last time she asked the doctor if she was gonna be ok was the day before she died. She chose to believe in the positive outcome, that is what I think that kept her sane until the very last moment. She left this world surrounded by her family while we were holding her hands. In her death she was smiling.
    I don’t think I’ve event had the time to grief properly. I spent days notifying and comforting her friends. Being protective of her loved ones she either hadn’t shared at all or had shared a little of her illness. Everyone was shocked, everyone needed answers. Repeating the reason for her passing doesn’t even bring tears in my eyes anymore.

    This is who she was – great, strong, brave, beautiful, brilliant, compassionate, creative, loving… Just before she passed away I whispered in her ear, that when I grow up, I wanna be more like her…I hope I keep my promise.


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