Grandma passed away this morning

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    Dear Tonia, I also had a special relationship to my Grandma…so hard to lose. My heart goes out to you. You are in my prayers.




    I’m very sorry for your loss, and for the pain you are going through. I can appreciate the shock you feel at the speed with which this disease claimed your grandmother. I still am numb over the loss of my dad, and its been 4 1/2 months. I hope that the memories that you have with your grandmother will bring you some peace during this holiday season.

    I’m passing along some advice that my cousin gave me after dad died…and she still reminds me of it periodically now> breathe. The panicky feeling will creep up on you for awhile, at least it does for me. Just remember to breathe.

    You and your family are in my prayers.



    I am so sorry you have lost your grandmother, I know she must have been proud of you and how you cared for her. I was very close to both of my grandmothers, it is a very special kind of relationship, different from the one you have with your mother and you cannot share that same relationship with anyone else.



    Dear Tonia,
    So sorry to hear about your grandma – you were a wonderful granddaughter and caretaker. I know your heart is aching right now, and it may be helpful to anesthetize yourself with anti-depressants or a support group until you’re ready to face this all-consuming grief. I know I needed a crutch when my mother died – I thought I would go insane. Just a thought. My heart goes out to you-
    Joyce m


    All I can tell you is to take it one day at a time. Sometimes it may even be moment by moment. You will feel panicky & have a lot of anxiety at times, and just about the time you think you have it under control it will hit you again. It just leaves you with such an empty feeling. Everyone tells me it gets better with time. I sure hope so!


    Thanks Darla,

    Its just such an odd feeling. I feel lost and almost panicky.



    What you are feeling is normal. I was so involved with Jim & his care for almost 2 months and also trying to keep everything else going too. It was constant 24/7 & then just like that there is nothing. It will just take time. I’m still trying to adjust. It is not easy. Just know that we are all here for you. Now you need to try to take care of you.

    Love & Hugs,


    Thank you so much for all of the words of support.

    I try to remember that we were “lucky” in some ways when it comes to this disease. I miss her so much and I’m scared of how much more I know I’ll miss her. I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to do now that I’m not taking care of her.

    Thanks again for every thing



    I am so sorry. I know how you feel. My husband passed away shortly after being diagnoised also. It is really hard to adjust to when it goes that fast. You don’t even have time to think about it. I also feel like Lainy stated. Atleast they did not have to suffer this terrible disease for a long time & they are now in a better place, no longer in pain & will live on in our hearts forever. It is much harder on us as caretakers to have to now go on without them. You can be proud that you did everything you possibly could for her under the circumstances given to you. You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers.



    Dear Tonia, so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. While the loss is great the good part is that she did not spend a lot of time suffering. She ended her short journey in peace and with dignity. She will never be far from you as she is in your heart forever. Our prayers go out to you and your family.


    Tonia, please know that you’re in my prayers. Hold on to your precious memories.



    I’m so sorry to hear your news. Words fail me at a time like this. I’m sure she is in Heaven now singing with the angels.



    I am so sorry for your loss. I have read your posts along and you have been a great caretaker and granddaughter for your Grandma. It sounds like your Grandma was ready to go and I am sure she knew you did all you could for her.



    Typing the words just hurts. What am I going to do without my dear Grandmother but more importantly my dear friend?

    This moved to fast. I’m mad about that. Diagnosed 10/13 and gone today?

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