Grandma’s itching…

Discussion Board Forums Adverse Reactions & Side Effects Grandma’s itching…

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    Thank you, Marions. Am still learning how to weave in and out of all this site has to offer. You guys are all great supporters. Discovered y’all when my Mom was in hospice already. I’m a bit computer challenged so it took awhile to register but was able to read a lot of what your groups wrote and it helped during puzzling times. Anything I can share now that will help will be posted. Thanks again to all of you.


    Marjo….so sorry to be hearing about your Mom. Welcome to our site and thank you very much for being so kind in sharing your remedy with us. Hoping to continue hearing from you.
    Thanks again,


    Hi! I’m a newbie here. Was a caregiver. Mom had passed on a couple of years ago but she did take Atarax to combat the itchiness. It did make her stop scratching but also sleepy.



    Yo probably hit the nail n the head. We got the humidifier going now and have been using Aloe. Seems to help. I think it may be ascites….she’s just moved into hospice today.

    Thank you for all of your help!


    ToniaK….. I notice you are from MN. Cold weather and stay in side with furnace drys my skin and makes it itchy. I just do a good ole rub down with aloe vera and cucumber lotions. helps me. Don’t know if med is doing it. talk it over wirh Nurse and she what she thinks?
    Bless Ya!
    P.S. Is she having any fluid retention with possible ascites?


    Thank you so much! Both were so helpful!


    Hi Tonia, just in case you are not a web surfer I will give you some quick suggestions. When Teddy had itching from jaundice we found that Sarna from Walgreens was best, however it is pretty strong and only recommended to use for 2 weeks. If there is a certain spot that itches more than anywhere else we did ice bags. He even gets a tad itchy now from radiation and he will use a body wash then some cream like Jergens. Hope it works as itching like that can become so unbearable! Oh, and the radiology nurse suggested anything over the counter with Benedryl.


    Hi guys!

    This was probably covered earlier by another post so I’ll apologize a head of time for the repeat of subject…

    My grandmother is in at home hospice care. She’s on Oxycodin and Oxycoton for pain. Recently her skin has been itching quite a bit.

    Any ideas if this is because of meds? Are there any treatments that will ease this?


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