great news!

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    Love reading about therapies that work! Great news!


    Nancy T,

    Take a look at the Chemo forum, there are plenty of posts about all kinds of chemo combos:



    my dad’s oncologist suggested gemzar and cisplatin for chemo. Is there any success story out there with this combination?


    Trish…..just wanted to share with you that the posting you are responding to is dated: 28 Sep 2010. Don’t worry it takes some time to learn the in and out’s of this site.
    Another way to reach Victoria is by sending a personal e-mail. Simply click on E-mail, left side, under her name, below IP number.
    Good luck and all my best wishes


    Victoria— Who is Ned’s Oncologist? We are in Buffalo too and my mom was just diagnosed on 8/18/11.


    Good news/what’s working? Here is an update on my brother Ned. On Sunday 09/26/10 a benefit was held for by brother in Buffalo, NY (actually in a suburb where we were raised, Ned still lives there), called “A Night for Ned”. This benefit hosted 6 live bands as well as auctioned prizes and was very well organized. Three of the participating bands were groups Ned currently plays in and 2 of them are Beatle groups. “I get by with a little help from my friends” is certainly a fitting song that ofcourse was played. I know that 800 tickets were sold @$25 each and the tribute by all of his friends, fellow musicians, and family was the best medicine money can buy. It will be a lasting memory for all but most importantly has left my brother feeling on top of the world! Although I could not attend I live 1500 miles away in Florida, I will be visiting Ned starting this Wednesday and will get a copy of the filmed event. I will also get a chance to meet his onc dr. for his important visit to see what the scans show after 3 or 4 rounds of chemo.

    Right now, Ned is happy, comfortably pain free and so I am happy too.



    thats a great news!congrats!!i have just joined this forum and its really nice to hear such a good news..


    @Matt: My father is being treated at Cleveland Clinic. We absolutely love his doctor and the treatment he recieves there. Any doctor who leaves their family at a drop of the hat for you and calls you to see how you are doing is one in a million and that is exactly what our doctor is. I agree with the last comment about the spheres. My dad’s doctor introduced us to am amazing doctor at the Cleveland Clinic that administered and treated my dad with the SIR-Spheres micospheres on top of the Gemzar and Oxaliplatinum and it is working out very well. The doctor who administered the spheres and his staff are amazing too. Both doctors and their staff talk to us weekly and always are happy to answer any questions.


    Matt, I’d also ask about radiation or one of the spheres type treatments when you next go. They do seem to have some great success stories.


    My dad has just finished 8 cycles of xeloda without any significant side effects. The hand foot syndrome was easily managed with ‘udder balm’ (not the emollient the hospital gave us- we bought it off amazon). He experienced diarrhea which was put down to the xeloda but continued for weeks after so must be a result of his whipple and malabsorption. He was able to do most things as normal on xeloda and had a clear scan at the end of it. Not sure about oxilaplatin but I would imagine a combination is better than a single agent. Good luck with the new treatment.


    Thank you.

    Where is your father being treated??



    @ Matt (mvbittner): My father who is 53, is on the Gemzar and Oxaiplatinum and the combination is duing wonderful things for him. He is very young like you. Oxaliplatinum does come with a lot of side effects and causes a lot of numbness the more you are given it. How often are going to receive the Oxaliplatinum? Make sure you are very honest when experiencing numbness because they might hold off on using that on different weeks. That type of chemo also makes you very sensitive to hot and cold things. We keep a pair of gloves on top of our refridgerator(sp?) for my dad when he gets things out because of the tingly feeling it gives him. It is like hitting your funny bone, but only it can be a constant tingly feeling and is not so funny either! :-)

    I am not sure about the Xelodin chemotherapy because my father has not used that one. My best advice is to research them both to find out their side effects and to learn what to expect from treatment. I always research and read about my dad’s chemotherapy to be able to help him and understand the side effects he experiences.

    I wish you and your family the best. Let me know how your new treatment plan works out for you. If you have any more questions feel free to find me on here. :-)


    It’s great to hear good news. I was diagnosed on April 16, 2010 and had successful resection surgery of the liver (about 80%) of the liver. It is all back now and have been on Gemsar for the past 3 months. Just had my first CT scan and it seems something has shown up on the scan. It looks like a lima bean size spot, and we are having it biopsied on monday. They are going to change my chemo treatment starting on wednesday of next week to Oxaliplatin and Xelodin??

    Can anyone tell me if this is a hopeful way of clearing these spots?? I am way too young for this to be happening. I turn 46 on October 5 and I am praying that God will intervene and get me and my family through this whole ordeal. I am a very healthy young man and my blood work is phenomenal. I hope someone out there can reassure me.

    Thanks everyone, I am new to this site, but I just had to give it a try.



    So lovely to read this news first thing on a morning.

    Best wishes


    Hi 1hopefuldaughter,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry you had to find us but glad that you have joined us all. And thank you so much for sharing your dad story with us and I am very happy to hear that he is having success with his treatments. I will keep my fingers crossed for continued success and look forward to hearing more about it. I hope that you will keep coming back here and let us know how your dad is doing.

    Best wishes to you and your dad,


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