Great news/pet scan

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Great news/pet scan

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  • #53293

    Hi Kathy,

    This is great news, thanks so much for sharing it with us!! Love heraing news like this! I hope for the great news to continue for you and your dad from the surgical board and that you get the news that you want. Will be keeping everything crossed for you.

    My best wishes for you and your dad,



    Kathy….this is significant shrinage your Dad has accomplished. We have seen it on this site for debulking of the tumor allowing for subsequent surgery. I am crossing my fingers for your Dad to have this option also.
    All my best wishes,


    Kathy, we love amazing! Perhaps if it shrunk that much it will shrink even more making surgery an option. Thanks forthe good news and please keep it coming!


    Just wanted to share the good news.My dad had his second PET scan since starting chemo 6 months ago.Since chemo started his mass has shrunk from 8.9cm to 5.3.very happy with that.They will present it to the surgical board again.He may still not be a candidate for surgery but the oncologist wants to try.The oncologist is amazed at the good response to chemo!!

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