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    I will be hoping for the best for your mother-in-law with whatever treatment option she chooses to persue. You and your family also have my best wishes in dealing with her disease.



    Kristin…wishing for your mother-in-law to beat this with whichever way she chooses to move forward. Good luck and my best to your family.


    Kristin – best of luck. I know it’s tough when faced with an unexpected setback. Best wishes.



    Hi all,

    I just wanted to post an update on my mother-in-law. She went in for surgery yesterday, but unfortunately they were unable to complete the operation. They found that it was not Cholangiocarcinoma as thought. It originated as gallbladder cancer and has now spread to her liver, stomach and intestines. It is stage IV. They are now considering chemo.

    I appreciate all your advice and words of encouragement. This webpage has been a wealth of resources for our family. What an awesome community you have here.

    Thank you all!




    That is good news. I’m hoping you will also be hearing something positive on medicaid soon. I will be thinking of you & your family & hoping for the best both with the surgery & medicaid.



    Hi all. Just wanted to post an update. My mother-in-law has officially been scheduled for resection on Jan. 23 (next Friday) with Dr. Hemming. Also, we received excellent news from Shands Hospital today. She has been approved for charity care and will not have to pay for hospital services! We are still working on medicaid.


    Glad things are looking a bit more positive for your Mother-In-Law. I think you are right, you may still want to write those letters. Can’t hurt & it might help. Who knows. I am hoping that the surgery goes well. Keep us posted as to her progress.



    Thank you devoncat. I was about to write letters to both her congressman and state representatives, then Shands came through! They approved her for financial aid / charity care. A tentative date for the surgery has been set for Jan 23. We are still working on medicaid and I think I will still write those letters.


    Welcome to the site and I am sorry your mother is getting the run around because of insurance problems. You might want to call your congressman to see if he can speed up the process since getting into surgery in time is very important.

    Hoping eveything comes together for your mother. Please let us know how things are going.



    Has Medicaid covered a resection for anyone? If so, it would be great if you could forward this information to us.


    Thank you Marions. I just wanted to add that we have had excellent care from all the doctors invovled, especially Dr. Hemming. We are just having trouble with Shands hospital.


    kmavila…welcome to our site. I don’t have any information in re: to your questions but, I am hoping for others to be of more help to you. Just wanted to say hello and send my best wishes while hoping for your mother-in-law to be receiving the care she deserves.


    Greetings all. I am registering on behalf of my mother-in-law who has been fighting a tumor in the bile duct for two months now. The doctors have not been able to determine if it is Cholangiocarcinoma officially, but she has all of the symptoms. She had a stint inserted in November when she became sick. She has since been in MD Anderson Orlando twice, and has met with Dr. Alan Hemming at Shands University of Florida. Dr. Hemming wants to operate this month (Jan.) but unfortunately she does not have insurance and Shands would not allow MD Anderson to transfer her. She has applied for Medicaid, under the medically needy clause, but dealing with the government is difficult and is taking too long.

    This website and forum has been an awesome resource for our family. Thank you all so much for all your advice, words of encouragement, and support!

    Any advice you can offer regarding getting my mother-in-law into Shands for operation would be greatly appreciated.

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