Hair started falling out today!

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    I knew it! I just knew it! You are not a woman to let a hair cut get the best of you. You are the best. Maybe you could just say you are giving your brains an airing out. I am in awe of you and your whole attitude. Love you , Lisa


    Well, I did it. There was just too much coming out to wait. So I have a buzz cut and a new wig. A local salon is very supportive of cancer patients, and cut my hair for free and gave me a free wig. It is actually a relief not to have hair falling out all over the place. My daughter says that the wig makes me look like a 50s woman, but I don’t care. I have another on order so I can change my look anytime I want.

    Yes, the scarves and hats are coming out. Bring it on!


    Lisa, I hope you have a wonderful time checking out scarves & hats before you go the buzz-cut route. It seems a shame to take it all off immediately, but if you do, I’m sure you’ll carry it off with style & elegance.



    How much is falling out? I lost scary amounts about the 2nd month of treatment. I still lose quite a bit, but not nearly the same amount now. I am REALLY, REALLY thin on top, but if I wear a hat, I have enough coming out the bottom that you dont immediately think I have cancer. Perhaps it might be the same with you. You might want to hold off on that buzz for a bit.

    And playing with scarves is very fun! I went to the thrift store and bought loads. I like retro patterns and you can get some unique ones there.



    Lisa…there are so many wonderful things about you I can’t count them all. I hate cancer too but, I love people more. Have you played around with any scarves and hats yet?
    Thinking of you,


    I was expecting this, but all of a sudden my hair started falling out when I brushed it after my shower this morning.

    It’s a little disconcerting, as my hair is the one feature I really liked about myself and now it’s falling out. I’ve been picking off strands of hair from my clothes all morning.

    I’m going to call my hairdresser and ask for a buzz cut just to get it over with.

    I hate cancer.

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