Thanks, thanks, I feel much better now. I feel irritated with some people that talk about her like she has already dead, like making plans of the day after, etc. Its simply hurting. I am not going to give up until there her last breath. She does not want to die. I feel some doctors tend to just send you through palliative care.
Jose, I just looked it up and it is in the same family as Haldol. NO where is it mentioned that it is used as a euthanasya medicine. Teddy took it as it took away the terrible nghtmares he had from the Morphhine.
Jose, I have not heard of this Medication doing anything but quieting her down. If it was any member of my family I would rather have them peaceful then whatl your sister has been going through. To me, who witnessed what Teddy went through it is barbaric to not keep a patient calm. When he became agitated from Morphine they added Haldol to the equation, not sure if that is the same family of Meds or not but it worked. Her being calm and being pain free is the very most important thing!
Some doctors have prescribed haloperidol for my sister aming to reduce her agitation. We suspect this product is also working as a euthanasya medicine and we disagree with this approach since she has not stated that that is what she wants. I would like to know your opinion if you have had experiences with this product.
Thank you very much