happy holidays

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  • #78273

    Wow Porter!! That IS cause to celebrate the new year! Being considered for resection! I’m sending hope and prayers that the tumor board finds you have qualified for surgery. Keep us posted and best at your second opinion surgery consult in Seattle.


    Oh, Porter, I am dropping some happy tears from your post. Wow, girl you are sure showing some power there. I am getting excited to hear more of your continuing. That’s what we all have here a continuing story. I hope and pray the next chapter is even better!



    This all sounds so good. Hoping for more good news and results for you in 2014. Happy New Year. :)



    Well all I had a good first day back at chemo. It’s been about a month! The doc went over my latest scan and was happy with the results. Rather then continuing chemo or onto the y90. She is feeling encouraged and more hopeful and wnts to take my case back to the board for surgery consult. This is the first time she has ever brought this up. She is happy with how things are going and while the right side with the tumor is shrinking she said the left is kind of expanding and its all from what they can tell healthy tissue. So sounds like the debate will be d I have enough good tissue if the right is resected. I’m just so happy she is considering this now as a possible option. I’m also still going to seattle for a surgical consult as well.

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