Happy New Year Everyone

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Happy New Year Everyone

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    Happy Birthday Mr. J. My thoughts are with you on this special day.


    Hi Mr J,

    I wish you a happy birthday and hope that this year will be a better year for you as well. And also, I hope that you can get some test results back to your doctors very soon so that they can see whats going on and what can be done here. I know that with the holidays things slow down, but hopefully now that the holidays are over things will start moving quicker for you.

    If your system is not digesting food quick enough then maybe eating foods that are easier to break down may be some help here. My dad had digestive issues as well and his GI specialist recommended eating foods that were easier for the body to break down such as soup and minced beef etc.

    My best wishes to you,



    Mr. J—First of all a very Happy Birthday to you!! Hoping that you will get some answers to all of your questions. I’m a 1 year survivor of intrahepatic CC I did have surgery—-but, I was told by my first surgeon and oncologist that surgery was not an option. I went for a 2nd opinion and bingo that surgeon felt I was a candidate and did operate. If u feel u r not getting the best medical care please go for a second opinion had I not gone for mine I may not be cancer free today. My thoughts and prayers will be with you.


    I hope the new year is better for everyone too. I hope you get to celebrate your birthday in a good way, even if cake isn’t an option and that your consultations go well. The holidays do make everything take much longer so lets hope that all the staff come back refreshed and raring to go !
    best wishes



    I have a big week coming up with follow ups on colonostomy bag and stent proceedure,my birthday is on the 3rd then it starts,the fifth I have a consultation with a second opinion at closer hospital,the Lord has helped me live day by day,some better than others.The issue now is my system doesnt digest fast enough and I get gas and bloated feeling with taste of old food then I am misserable even water and ensure is hard at times,is this stopping and starting digestive system possible with the cancer pushing from the outer abdominal wall, I hopefully will be able to see some results from my pet scan I had last week,follow up with oncologist is on the 10th,why do they make you wait for results so long. Might be better off with differant hospital care at least second opinion.I seams like they are dragging there feet,but I know it because of the hollidays. OK I will include everyone in my prayers and hope the NEW YEAR is better

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