Has anybody had experience with T-GX?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Has anybody had experience with T-GX?

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    GTX has been used successfully in other forms of Cancer. The person who was the PI for it was Dr. Fine at Columbia. Columbia is now doing a GTX protocol with Dr. Seigel as the PI. While it is a new protocol Columbia has a strong belief it will be effective in Cholangio, due to the success Dr. Fine had utilizing it in other cancers. God Bless you and your dad.


    No words of wisdom or experience to share with you I’m afraid, but just wanted to welcome you to the site, and wish you and your Dad, and the rest of your family, all the very best of everything you need!


    Hi. This is my first post.
    My dad, 48, was diagonisd with cholangiocarcinoma in Jan 2007. He quickly started on a regime of Taxotere with Avastin, and Gemzar and Xeloda on alternating weeks. So far, he has had 7 treatments with harsh side effects. The ultimate goal is a liver resection. At his 7 week CT Scan, his tumor showed evidence of dying, but not enough measurable shrinkage for a liver resection. I’m just wondering if anybody has had any experience with this combination of chemo drugs (T-GX) and perhaps how they managed their side effects. We are seeking a second opinion with the Standford Comprehensive Cancer Center as it seems they have experience with cholangiocarcinoma. Does anybody know about the center? This has been a very difficult time and I appreciate reading all the posts as they are both encouraging and informative. Thanks for any info!

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