Has anyone had surgery on there liver more then once to remove a tumor

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Has anyone had surgery on there liver more then once to remove a tumor

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    Hi, Marco,

    Thanks for your best wishes.

    Microwave ablation is to burn off the tumor or tissue lesion and destroyed them. The same principle as RFA.

    God bless.


    Hi PCL1029
    I just realized that i had posted the same question twice and never read your response. Thank you for your response i mostly spend my time reading post learning as much as i can. My father had the srbt about six months ago we went in yesterday and the tumor is not showing up on the mri so i hope it is gone forever. I live in canada and i see we have different treatments, i asked the onc yesterday about y90 and he didnt know of it. I asked about resection twice and they said we will see what happens in the future. I see you did microwave ablation and it went well, what dose that procedure do and is that tumor destroyed. I think srbt is like cyber knife just wondering if you can have that procedure. I wish you the best and enjoy the holidays


    Hi, Marco,
    Your father is 74 years old, and if the tumor size is<3cm or no more than 3-4; RFA or microwave ablation by interventional radiologist(IR) if thelocation of the tumor is allowed for such procedure. the above procedure will be much easier on the patient. I had microwave ablation 3 times; no side effects and can be home the same day. It is an out patient procedure. there are no radiation involved in the ablation procedure. so you need not worry about doing the RFA after your father had already had SBRT(radiation).
    BTW, i had one microwave ablation done on my right lobe at the top of liver near the middle of the right hepatic vein in segment 8 size is about 2cm and posterior(the back side of the liver). everything went well. that was about 3 month ago. If I were your dad, I will ask for a 2nd opinion from an IR.

    Now ,to answer your question, yes, depends on the health condition of the patient and his/her other health issues(ie: high blood pressure,irregular heart beat etc.); a patient,for example like myself, I had it done 3 times when my CCA recurrence the last 2 times. I was 61 years old at that time. The maximum times that my liver surgeon have performed opened resection on the same patient is 5 times when I asked him the same question on my third resection that you are asking now.
    Good luck and

    God bless.


    Hi everyone just wondering if it is possible to operate on the live twice. My father had bile duct cancer. they removed half of his liver, bile duct, gallbladder. One year later the cancer spread to the top of his liver. He has one tumor on the top of the liver(1.5cm). the surgeon says they dont operate twice on the liver. Now we live in canada so i dont know if its the cost that they dont operate(covered by goverment). Has anyone operated twice(liver) or is there anyone dealing with a surgeon that could answer that question. I thought about finding a surgeon that would remove the tumor that would mean they would be operating again on his liver safe or not safe. Thanks so much for listening

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