Has anyone taken Creon Enzyme?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Has anyone taken Creon Enzyme?

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    They say there are no strictures, we did go for a second opinion at Emory in Atlanta. They recommended changing the chemo, to Cisplatin & Gemzar and extending 3 more months.


    Hi Willow,

    My understanding is that if there is a blockage or stricture, bile will back up, dilating or enlarging the duct behind the stricture. So before my surgeries, when my ducts were blocked by a Klatskin tumor, they were very dilated on CT. Now they appear more “normal.” So, I was trying to understand what Susan meant by “fully dilated.”

    Take care, Mark


    Hi Mark,
    How does a dilated bile duct mean bile duct stricture? Seems they’re opposite meanings…


    Hi Susan,

    You mentioned that your mom’s bile duct is fully dilated. That would usually be a sign of a stricture, which can lead to indigestion due to a lack of bile in the bowel. You may mean something else. Anyway, if it is a stricture Creon can make sense. I do not have a stricture — i.e., I am not dilated — but do have biliary damage from chemo-radiation. I had terrible indigestion, gas, etc. My oncologist, Dr. Lenz at USC, has me on Creon with each meal and a daily probiotic. It has really helped!

    Just my own experience, if it helps. I hope your mom feels better soon.



    Susan…you had mentioned that your Mom likes her physician however; if it were me I would obtain a second or third opinion from a center “very” familiar with this disease. It may be troublesome however; this is not a cancer one would want to take any chances with. Let us know if you need help.


    Thanks Marion, she takes softners daily but nothing seems to be helping. They say her duct is fully dialated but she always feels so bloated. I’m just looking for anything to give her relief.


    speppers….my husband and many others used enzymes to aid in the digestive process. No, we have not heard of any negative side effects. Another really important thing to watch for a regular bowel movements – for that we had great results with stool softeners 1/2 hour before each meal. And movement, walks especially after consuming a small meal preferably high in protein. Smaller portions spread throughout the day worked best for us.
    I hope this helps. Good luck and please, keep us posted.


    My mom has had extreme problems with gas and gas pain. I was told this enzyme might help, has anyone taken it before? Did it help you ? Do you know of any side effects?

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