Having a good cry today.

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Having a good cry today.

  • This topic has 22 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by tess.
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    Dear Jill;
    I have added your aunt Etnah and uncle Gary and you to my prayer list. I truly believe in the power of prayer. My prayers and good thoughts are being sent your way. God Bless,


    Dear Jill, prayers still floating your way. Sounds like you have a good plan with a memorable visit. I did not realize you had a Whipple. Teddy had one almost 4 years ago. It just hit me funny as I do believe you are the 1st woman I have heard of who had a Whipple. Hope you are doing well and you must also take care of yourself.


    Thanks for the prayers, and please continue. She found out about her cancer the day I was discharged from the hospital from my whipple surgery. Despite multiple Dr apts, her GP, continued to diagnose it as bronchitis. Since diagnosis, they have traveled to Colorado Springs, weekly for the chemo.
    They had built a beautiful cabin in the mountains near Cripple Creek, however, at this point, she can’t breathe well in the higher altitude, so they drive on home, which is near Ulysses, Kansas.

    I have made up my mind to drive up one weekend to spend some time with her and make my Uncle Gary, take a little break.


    Dear Jill,

    I just prayed for you and your Aunt Etnah and will continue to do so. It’s a difficult day for many of us today. I am glad that I can come to this board for support.

    Thinking and praying for you and your aunt.



    Jill, you will soon feel the prayers and love and strength coming from this Board.
    It is true. We have felt it before as it is a feeling you can’t describe as it floats around you. Prayers now going out to you and your Aunt.


    Jill…..I can’t say it any more meaningful then Tess has been able to express to you. You are not alone with your fears and pain…life is not meant to be that way. Tragedy will force us to grow and will lead us to emerge as a stronger human being, in this complex world of ours.


    Hi Jill, absolutely, consider it done…. Aunt Etnah will have many prayers coming her way. Someone on this board once said that prayer is a powerful transfer of energy, so you can be sure that she’ll have lots of great energy coming in her direction.

    Best to you Jill in this difficult time, let the tears come as they may….. that is what happens when we love.



    Not for myself. I received good results from my latest scan. Nothing new has developed.

    Not sure if this is the place to ask or not, but, Please can you all add my Dear Aunt Etnah, to your prayer chains? This is just one of those people in my life that I would gladly give my life for. She is one strong woman, never said a bad thing about anyone, never did a bad thing. I cry as I can not understand why a woman like this has to endure such a horrible disease.

    This is a Sister in Law to my Mom. Her baby brothers wife. They were more parents to me as a child than my own. I also spent summers with them, driving their little ones to Swimming lessons, ect, as well as helping with Harvest. My heart is breaking. I can’t stand to think of loosing her.
    Please , Please, I am begging you to add her to your prayer chains. Thank you so much. I just can not tell you how much I despise cancer. This is one of three people close to me that are currently fighting lung cancer. Aunt Etnah, never smoked a day in her life.

    Etnah had a new MRI and PET scan last thur. When we got to the house there was a message from the doctor. We knew things was not good. He wanted to talk right away. It seems this dam cancer has taken a bad turn. It’s now in the brain and liver. She is starting radiation on the brain today and will be 5 sessions. It’s not good, their talking a few months now. It just seems the chemo has done very little. We are not giving up. We are going to see a holistic doctor this week to see what they think. We have been doing so much research and it’s had to know who the quacks are and the good ones. Anyway that might be about all that can be done. It’s is just progressing so fast but she has never been sick and still is not, just some balance problems they think the brain is causing.

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