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    I took Nexium during all my treatments and still do. My dotcors keep me on Nexuim as preventive.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    I don’t really have heartburn but sometimes get a multiple burping, belching thing going on. It just pops up at different times, can’t pin it down to right after eating, or whatever. During all the tests, one Dr. said I have a rather large hiatal hernia that could be causing the problem. I take Prilosec and my Onc. says there is no problem taking it longer than 14 days at a time.

    Does it help? Let’s say it’s not as bad as without the pills, it still occurs, but not constantly. Hope that helps or maybe it brings up another problem.



    Sue….We used papaya enzymes, Prilosec, Kytril and other acid reducers. Of course you would want to make sure to inform Darrell’s doctor of all medicines taken including, those sold over the counter. Consuming high protein food void of fats in regular intervals throughout the day also helped. To aid digestion Darrell may want to move about a bit after intake of his small meals. If things don’t improve definitely speak with Darrell’s physician. There may be other reasons causing the indigestion.
    Hugs and love,


    Hi Sue, so glad Darrell is doing so well. I think heartburn comes with the CC territory and usually the best remedy is a RX like Prevacid or Omeprazole. I would call the ONC and explain what is happening and see if he thinks an RX is in order. Most often something prescribed is stronger than an over the counter remedy.


    Hi everyone
    Darrell started back on chemo and had 2 weeks of treatment then his week off. Side effects were not to bad feelings of nausea but no throwing up or anything like that. Oh and he’s tired. But one thing that has been gone for a long time and is now back is heartburn. Anyone have any idea why or suggestions on how to stop it. He has never taken anything for it because before he never got it that often and never had any trouble getting rid of it a couple tums and it was gone not so lucky any more. Thank you

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