Heather R U There?

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  • #22896

    Heather, we have not heard from you. We hope everything is going ok. Please let me know either through my e mail or by this post. Would love to get together. I saw we also have another new member from Phoenix.


    Anytime is good, just let me know and we will make plans for October. I work from the house but can take off anytime I want. Nice! It was good to see you come back on, I was getting worried! Don’t escape we all need you!!!


    Wow! How wonderful to know that you are cared for and missed! You made my absolute #$%@!* day awesome! You know, I sometimes have to laugh because not only do I have to deal with this crappy cancer…I also teach 20 non-english speaking kindergarteners and am the proud mommy of a very energetic 8 year old….Hmmmm….I wonder if they know about my plan of escape?! I always warn them…”what are you gonna do when I leave and never come back?” Funny thing is, I would be lost without all the chaos! Well, Lee is starting, very slowly starting to gain back his strength…they upped his Gemzar so he sleeps most of the time…vomits if I don’t keep him sedated, and seems to always and forever on the pot! About two weeks ago, he had his port removed because it was not healing. NOT HEALING! OH MY HECK! It was hanging halfway out for a month! Thank God for neosporin! He did not get an infection…so they removed it and placed a smaller one over his heart…His pain sometimes is more than he can bear…he tries real hard not to let Emilee see him cry…we applied for disability yesterday…we shut our trucking and excavating business down..and we all know that if you can’t throw a football or win an emmy you can barely make it…especially on a teacher’s salary! But that is just one way that God continues to provide! I want Him to provide lots more healing and laughs…sometimes its hard just to get out of bed and face another day…I want my old life back….I would do anything and I mean anything to get rid of this demon that has wrecked our lives…Lainy, we have a week off in October so I would love to tie one on with you..tea or coffee! I’ll be going down with Lee more that week. Joyce, thankyou for your prayers….this was a wonderful way to end a yucky, yucky day! Lots of love to you both!




    I am also wondering how you and your husband are doing? If I recall, we went out to Mayo about the same time last March/April, with the same result. I have always kept an eye out for your writings, and the one I saw the other day indicated that things are not well. I am praying for you, that God’s love will shine through on your family, and help you through this tough time.

    Joyce C


    I was looking for an e mail for you as I wanted to know how your husband is doing? I sent you an e mail and did not hear back and was worried about you both. IF you have a few minutes please drop us a note.

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