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  • #28296

    That’s great news Rook, best of luck to you guys with the proceedures, in the weeks to come!



    Hello Karen, I had a portal vein embolization. What your surgeon intends is for the part of the liver that’s not shut down by the portal vein embolization to grow, and then he’ll remove the diseased part, and if there is any little thing on the good part, I believe he’ll do an RAF on that part during the surgery. Right? It didn’t work for me because after the wait, on the day the started a laparoscopy to make sure everything was a go, he surgeon was stunned to find I had cirrhosis of the liver. I’ve never drunk alcohol or beer in my life, and cat scans never gave any indication or blood tests either that my liver was compromised with cirrhosis. Mine is called NASH. So they closed back up and resection was out.

    But I digress because you want some questions answered. I had no side effects. There was a problem because my liver was a little higher than most, and it did take the radiologist about 4 hours, but he did a good job. It was done on an outpatient basis, and I went home that day. I did throw up twice on the way home from the stress, sedation, and the commuter traffic drive, but other than that, I didn’t really experience any pain or nausea from those days after. I would have to say no side effects from portal embolization procedure.

    All my best to your husband and you,


    Rook…congratulations to the good news of the upcoming resection. Several people on this board have had chemoembolization. Until others have a chance to respond you might want to use the “google” search, top page, right hand side in order to read up on previous postings regarding chemoembolization. It will give you an introduction to the procedure. You must be overwhelmed with all the information coming your way so please, take a deep breath and find a few minutes to relax. We are here for support, suggestions and the sharing of experiences.
    My best wishes coming your way,


    Here we go on our journey…Docs stated will pursue surgery…husband is having a right portal vein emboliztion on the 15th. Wait time for surgery, so we are told, is about 4-6 weeks from the embolization procedure. Has anyone had this procedure done and if so…side affects?


    I am so glad you got that second opinion. I live in Sweden and where I live we are “linked” to a specific university hospital. It is socialised medicine (which is fantastic, dont let people try to convince you otherwise), and I still request 2nd opinions, which everyone helps me get. Finding the right doctor is half the battle and I am glad you found yours.

    Resections rock and I hope your husband gets his.

    Take care and I am glad you found us. We are a treasure chest full of great advise and wonderful support (if I do say so myself).



    Welcome back Karen


    Hello again everyone! Thank you for all of your thoughts etc. Will give just a brief history of my husbands journey. He was diagnosed mid March after many appts. and tests. First visit to an oncologist locally, Akron, Ohio, informed us that there was no hope and he needed to start chemo asap! 6-12 months regardless! No options available! Needless to say we decided to go to the Cleveland Clinic for a second opinion. The oncologist there informed us that he was going to be a team player…follow thru on all options regardless…and we were in this together! Wow! What a difference. We were scheduled for an appointment immediately with the director of surgical department for liver cancer. After a few appointments etc. we ended up today in Cleveland for another biopsy (Cleveland Clinic likes to do their own everything…didn’t really take much interest in all of the CT’s and biopsy’s already completed in Akron…go figure. The first obstacle was to see if the cancer had spread to the abdominal wall as previous CT scans showed a blistery looking rash in that area. Good news…instant results today noted no signs of cancer there. Dr. states it seems not to have spread anywhere except to one of the lymph nodes. Other organs look good and the liver is functioning normally. Guess I should say that his CC is in the bile ducts within the liver. Once the Dr. who completed the biopsy today consults with the “Boss” so to speak, they will give us a call to let us know what comes next. He is stating my husband is a good candidate for the resection. I’ll have to read some of your postings to see if anyone has posted any info on their experience with resections. Does anyone use the chat rooms? I’ve been in but no one is ever there. Maybe I’m going in too late. Please continue to let me know your thoughts and experiences as we all move through this journey together.



    Welcome Rook, the people on this site have been a huge help and inspiration through our family’s cc journey. You and your husband will be in our thoughts.



    Its almost funny, yes? How excited we get when finding this site. Welcome to where no one chooses to be. This is a community of the most fabulous people on earth. Can you please tell us a little more about your husband? Where you live? What is the plan of treatment? Please feel free to come here often.


    Welcome, Rook, to the best little community on the web.


    Hello rook…I can relate to the difficulties of trying to log on. Was all new to me also. So glad that you have found us….although, wish for different reasons. Everyone on this board will welcome your questions and suggestions so, please feel free to post whatever you choose to ask or, would like to contribute. Welcome.


    Hello Everyone! We are excited to finally post on the board as we’ve had difficulty with our password etc. But…here we are and very excited as this seems like a great place to provide and receive support/ideas etc! My husband has recently been diagnosed with cc. Not sure where to begin. Know that with each message on the board we read our thoughts and prayers are with you all as you move through this difficult life challange.

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