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  • #40372

    Hi Bill,

    Welcome to the site although I am sorry that you had to find us all. And I am sorry to hear that your younger sister is not doing too well right now. Please can you give us some more information about Janine’s condition and what treatment she has had etc. Where do you live and where was Janine diagnosed?

    Marion is so right when she compares this disease to that of a rollercoaster. I was my dads carer during his battle with CC and he had many up’s and down’s along the way. I know that it’s not easy to deal with all of this, but coming here will help you as we have been through all of this. So please, keep coming back and feel free to ask a ton of questions and we will help and support you as best we can.

    Best wishes to you and Janine,



    Hello Bill and welcome to our site. I am sorry to hear about your sister. Where has she been diagnosed and what treatment is she receiving? At times one can compare this disease with a ride on a roller coaster therefore, do not give up hope as things can turn around. Please, continue to share with us. As you may have already noticed the members on this site are never short of lending support and encouragement. We are here for you.
    Best wishes,


    Although I am familiar with this web-site, this is the first time that I have posted anything. My younger sister Janine, was diagnosed back in April, but sadly, she’s not doing real well. I don’t know where to turn.

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