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    Great post and now I feel I know you so much better. I am truly sorry about your mom and apparently you are doing your homework. Yes, yes, yes…listen to your gut. I have done that for 5 years now and it has not steered me wrong.
    Everyone is entitled to a second opinion and Mayo in Rochester, MN is one of the best for CC. I think you can even do the “second opinion” by e mail. All you need do is call them and see what they may require other than the doctors notes and test results. If you type in Mayo on our Search engine past posts will come up on that subject.
    We have posted many times how wonderful it would be to get together and have a mini convention. Now that you are part of the family, please keep us updated on your Mother.


    Thank you all for your welcome!
    My mom is a very young 57, still with NO symptoms. They found the tumors in her liver by accident. At this point, it is contained to the right portion of her liver. She has went through a porto vein embolazation to help the left side grow.Once it grows we are looking at a 70% resection. I really want a second opinion for her. Since the first day I met her doctors my gut has been screaming it. I truly feel we need to be more aggressive and hear some other options! I have been trying to get her to “entertain” the thought of what the Mayo Clinic can offer for her. We are in Ohio, but who cares, I will travel anywhere.

    A little about me…
    I am a 35yr old Type A personality, and my family is my life’s work. I have an amazing husband and 2 wonderful children, I also have a brother who is my best friend(next to my husband) and my mother is the glue that holds it all together. I can’t even think of a day without her in some capacity. I am struggling VERY BAD with this. I am very fortunate that in my life I have been very happy and there has not been anything I couldn’t fix or overcome. I feel like I have met my match with this Cancer. I have become obsessed with finding out more and trying to save her life. However it irratates me to NO END that it may be out of my control. I have found myself staying up most of the nights reading up on the disease and reading medical journals to figure it all out!!!! However it is not a test, that I can study for and get an A, It is not a decision I can research and come up with the right answer, There are to many variables that are out of my control and I can’t figure it all out!!

    That is when I came across this amazing website and seen that there are other people going through the same thing as my mom and I and it is comforting to see that I am not the only one, and that irratates me why couldn’t we all meet each other in another place and time.

    This is all very difficult for me, this is the first time in my life I have been truly scared.
    Oh by the way have I mentioned, my mom is in total denial about it all. She believes that once they resect her Liver she will be cured and life will go back to normal in about a month???? I try not to change her mind, because who am I to tell her different!

    Again, thank you all for your welcome, I am glad to have found you at this time. I really wish we could have all met at the Park or Happy hour. Just anywhere but here, but I am here now and I hope I can bring as much for you as I see that you all bring for eachother.
    Thank you!!!!!!


    Dear Saving MOM, a warm welcome to our wonderful family. We are so very sorry to hear about your mom and the initial shock is absolutely over whelming.
    As time goes on and you begin to educate yourself on CC you will find that knowledge is powerful then once a game plan is set in place that also eases the shock. Can you tell us a little about Mom. Like what her diagnosis/prognosis is and where she is being treated? Also at the top of our page is a Search Button and just type in a word and you will get some information on that subject. We have so many caring members here that I am sure you will be hearing from.
    Take a deep breathe…you are not alone.


    Hello right back at you. Welcome to the club no one wants to belong to but, happy to have found. Although, this disease is tricky we have however, several members who are doing just fine. That is what I wish for your Mom also. Please, share with us your thoughts. The members on this site are a fantastic bunch and each person brings to this site a distinct set of knowledge which they will share with you. Hang in there…we are in this together.
    Best wishes,


    Just wanted to say hello to everyone. My mom has been recently diagnosed and…I just don’t know…anything anymore,except that I have to figure out how to save her life!!!!!!!!!!

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