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  • #47624

    Hi Maria,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all but I am glad that you have joined as you will get a ton of support and help from all of the great members here. Please, feel free to ask a load of questions and we will all do what we can to try and answer them. As Marion has said, we have quite a few members in Canada and I am sure that some of them will be along soon. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Best wishes,



    Hi Maria and welcome and sorry for the reasons for having to find us. You are one of our several patients living in Canada. Maria, if you use our “google” function, top right, and enter “Canada” several threads will appear from those residing in your country.
    Please, do not give up hope. Numerous others have successfully responded to one or the other treatments available. There is no reason to believe that you won’t either. Although, overwhelming it first it is important for you to educate yourself about this disease. The knowledge gained will empower you to make informed decisions.
    Please, peruse this website especially as it offers a wide array of helpful information. And, continue to reach out to the members on this site. We are here to help and we are in this together.
    All my best wishes


    Hello, Maria and welcome to our wonderful family. Can you tell us a little about yourself? We are glad you found us but sorry you had to. Please feel free to ask, vent or advise as we are all learning from each other.


    My name is Maria I was just diagnosed 2010-12-29.

    In early December 2010, I started itching, the itching progressively got so bad I was scratching myself raw. Saw my GP he thought I had developed a new allergy and we were in the process of eliminating the causes. I was visitinga family friend during the Christmas Holidays and she was the one who noticed I was jaundiced.

    The next day I went to the emergency Department of our local hospital, and with-in three hours, blood tests, ultrasound, and CT Scan I was told I had CC.

    I am 55 years old and otherwisw in good health. I was told that the cancer was limited to the bile ducts in my liver, all the organs above this site and below this site were healthy. I had bloodwork done on October 21, 2010 and liver results came back normal.

    My Bilirubin levels were 445 and now with stents and bag are down to 52. I was also told by three doctors that surgery was not possible. On February, 1, 2010, my Bilirubin levels went below 80 therefore my oncologist could start the
    chemo protocol (three week cycle) once a week for two weeks I get chemo in the hospital and the rest of the two weeks I get chemo pills Xeloda) the third week I have off.

    Since I just started with the chemo I will have to let you folks know of my results once I have an update.

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