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  • #68130

    Hi Suz,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I’m sorry also to hear about your sister. But I am glad that you have been following the site since your sisters diagnosis, and I am also very glad that you have no joined us all here. I hope that you will post here as there is a ton of support and help for you here, always.

    Yes the good days and the bad days, we can all so relate to how that feels. Glad to hear that your sister has responded well to the gem cis and it sounds like she is doing good right now. Long may that continue please!

    Please know that we are all here for you. Keep coming back and let us know how your sister gets on. And should you feel like shouting or venting or anything like that then go ahead and do so as well! Plenty of ears here to listen to you who know how you feel and what you are going through!

    My best wishes to you and your sister,



    Suz….I would like to follow Lainy and welcome you to our site. Thanks for joining in and sharing your story with us. Your sister’s response to the reduced dosage appears to be working well and that in itself is fantastic news. I am wondering, dear Suz, as to what her current regimen consists of? Is your sister receiving half of the normal administration of Gem/Cis or, is she receiving treatments less often?
    Thanks again for becoming a member on our site. We are in this together – all the way. I wish for continued success.


    Dear Suz, welcome to our remarkable family although sorry you had to find us. Good, good for your Sister, she is one of our great warriors. Where is Sis being treated and have you ever sought out a 2nd opinion as we are big believers in that. My favorite stories are those of family beating the odds! Now that you have made the plunge here, please don’t be a stranger and we do love updates on our courageous ones! You know from reading the Board that we truly care.


    I have been following this board since the day my sister was diagnosed with ICC stage 4 last February. She has mets to liver,lungs,abdominal cavity,ovary. She has had Gem-Cis chemo since then. She is now on a reduced schedule of treatments for maintenance and doing remarkably well. The Dr told us maybe she would live a year from diagnosis and I think he is amazed at her good progress. My sis moved in with me when she got sick and I know how this roller coaster ride is with this disease. The good days are good but the bad days are so hard watching someone you love suffer through this cancer. Thanks for all the wonderful support here. Hope this New Year brings us all good health and happiness. Thanks for being here! Suz

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